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Also nown as a subarine volcano.

Volcanos occur throughout the world and are very prevalent in the ring of fire around the pacific ocean.

I am going to talk about volcanos on land as a control because these are very well studied. I will then talk about the differences in submarine volcanos and the eruption mechanism, and formation of pillow lava.

When i'm finished your going to make your on volcanos with your table.
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Genius Hour: Volcanos

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Also nown as a subarine volcano.

Volcanos occur throughout the world and are very prevalent in the ring of fire around the pacific ocean.

I am going to talk about volcanos on land as a control because these are very well studied. I will then talk about the differences in submarine volcanos and the eruption mechanism, and formation of pillow lava.

When i'm finished your going to make your on volcanos with your table.
Photo by MrHicks46


My hypothesis is that lava reacts the same in air as it does in water.


There are several types of volcanos including cender cones, strato volcanos, shield volcano, lava domes, and calderas.
Photo by Neal.


  • 2 main types
  • Cinder cone volcanos - Primary volcano type, small in size, with a regular vertical cone
  • Stratovolcanos - large volcanos, may have multiple side vents and a lrage cap structure. Very powerful volcanos (Mt. St. Helens 1980, Mt. Vesuvius AD 79, Mauna Loa Hawaii 1984).
Photo by Neal.


They are made by tech tonic plates, they are always moving. Usually they go under each other or push to gether creating holes for the lava to escape from which creates a volcano. But most volcanos are are created in the middle of a plate like in the ring of fire.
Photo by ...-Wink-...


Tectonic plates are always moving. They carry the continents and are always touching each other. As the plates move they ether both go up or one goes under. This movement allows for the holes in the crust.
Photo by kevin dooley


When the holes are created by the plate movement it allows magma to come to the surface. In one case magma is allowed to flow through holes in the plate, not on the plate's edge. Hawaii was formed by this type of flow, it is also the longest erupting volcano on earth.
Photo by paul bica


Volcanic eruption is when the volcanos lava lifts up to the volcano making a magma chamber.
When this happens the lava can move to the top of the chamber. When the pressure from under is bigger than the rocks on top, the volcano erupts. If the main shaft is clear it will go up, in eruptions like Mt. St. Helens the landslide covered the vent and caused the eruption to go both out and up when the pressure built up.


As I mentioned before over pressure is when the magma chamber has more pressure than the cap rock can hold. This happens when the steam can't escape because there is no vent or the vents plugged. If the magma continues to flow up into the chamber, It has to go some where.


Venting is important in a volcanos development because it releases pressure and allows the magma to create a mountain. If a vent is clogged up then pressure will build up and can create a very large eruption. This is what happened in Mt St. Helens in 1980 when part of the cone slide on to the side vent. With the vent plugged the result was an explosion that flattened trees several miles away from the mountain. The cloud reached 12miles high in 10 mins.


The discharge from the volcano can be up to 400meters and can by up 100 times greater than atmospheric pressure.
Photo by 143d ESC


When the
Lava comes out of the volcano and goes into the air it will start to cool because its so hot it can form rivers of lava or if it lands on the ground it will make piles of lava that will flatten out. Depending on the stuff it touches. If it touches wood it burn and it creates holes in the lava and will create carbon which can create gems. If it touches water on air the water will create bubbles of gas. I will save under water for a later slide.


I've been talking about volcanos in air and now I am going to switch to water. Whats different between air and water. Air is a gas and water a liquid. A volcano in air has very little restinse lava doesn't flow well in water. Have you ever you ever tried to throw a rock under water.
Photo by ecstaticist


Water in a pot boils and sends up gases known as steam. But, an ocean is so large that the underwater volcanoes are so small in comparison that the lava goes out and meets the water the water cools the outside of the lava and makes bubbles. This is because the volcano is like its throwing a rock under water which cools it very fast.


Just like a vent in air a vent under water releases gas if the vent plugges up it cause a eruption the eruption under water will send a lot of lava into the water creating pillow lava if the vent remane up the lava builds up from under neath just like a land volcano and may become big enough to create islands.


Underwater volcanos also know as a subiriane volcanos. Have been now to explode but instead they make pillow lava.
Which happens when the volcano relesaes magma into the ocean but when the lava touchs the water it tepurns into a rock that looks like a pillow under the water. How this happens when it explodes water is litter then lava, but its cooleder so it freezes the lava in to a molten rock. Ussully in a big pile on the floor.
When the lava come out from the underwater eruption it is liquid rock just like in air. The difference is the temperture, pressure, and density of the water, the density of the water cause the lava to slow down and to form into a ball. When it slows down in the water it firms a crust like a egg, when this meets the bottom it is still cooling so it deforms into a shape like a pillow.


After doing the experiment, I noticed that lava does not act the same in water it forms pillow lava and cools faster than in air. But in air it makes a big mass at the bottom where it stopped. This concludes that I was wrong.


Now please watch my video of my experiment.
Photo by NoirKitsuné