The holocaust is a very well known genocide, the Nazis had a goal to exterminate Jews from the entire continent of Europe. A total of 11 million people died, half being Jews but the others being the "undesirables".
- The Nazi's were Germans to trying to kill jews, ran by Adolf Hitler.
- The victims where put into camps and worked to death.
- The holocause lasted 12 years, 1933-1945.
- This was all in Europe.
The problem begin when the Nazi's created the "Nureburg Laws". These laws took all human rights, they couldn't attend school or even sit on a bench at a park. This made the Jews weak, and that's when the Nazi's attacked them.
After the Holocaust many Jews where saying, "God is Dead." they believed if he was alive he would have prevented the Holocaust.
The Holocaust is listed as the worlds worst genocide. 11 million people died, 6 million were Jews 1.5 were children and the other targets were disabled people, Jehovah's witness, and Gypsies. While the Jews were being killed the outside world had no clue at their horrible conditions. The entire country went into "Great Depression" in 1935 and more that 6 million people were unemployed.
People killed all because they are,"different". Hitler and the other Nazi's took all human rights away from Jews and put the country into a horrible situation. The country was in massive debt. To recover The Elizenstat report on U.S. and other alliances to try and recover, they looked for stolen or hidden gold by Germans during World War 2.
*1/3 of all Jews on earth were killed during the holocaust.
*Holocaust in Greek means, Completely Burnt.
*Germans used Jews for medical experiments, without any plain relieving medicine.
*Prisoners where given tattoos to be identified.
*During world war 2 Nazi's ordered all Jews
to wear a yellow start or Davis on their cloths to be easily seen.