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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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  • Copy the sentence: Each distinct layer shows the geology of the earth as it has changed over the course of millions of years; isn't that cool?
  • Copy the above sentence where it says, "Ms. Taylor's sentence" on your paper.
  • What do you think the word "geology" means? Turn and tell someone.
  • Write down what you think it means on your paper.


  • the science that deals with the physical history of the earth, and the changes that the earth has undergone.
  • (noun)


  • Read the sentence: I couldn't lift a huge rock that turned out to be a geode; inside was the most gorgeous crystal.
  • Copy the above sentence where it says, "Ms. Taylor's sentence" on your paper.
  • What do you think the word "geode" means? Turn and tell someone.
  • Write down what you think it means on your paper.
Photo by Wiley Wiggins


  • a hollow stone often lined with crystals.
  • (noun)
Photo by Becky E


  • Read the sentence: I feel so lucky to live in California because of the incredible and diverse geography and terrain that we don't see everywhere.
  • Copy the above sentence where it says, "Ms. Taylor's sentence" on your paper.
  • What do you think the word "geography" means? Turn and tell someone.
  • Write down what you think it means on your paper.
Photo by garryknight


  • the topographical physical features of a region, usually of the earth, sometimes of the planets.
  • (noun)
Photo by tim caynes


  • Read the sentence: The geographical land features that we saw during our road trip were mountains, cliffs, and sandy beaches, but we didn't see any canyons.
  • Copy the above sentence where it says, "Ms. Taylor's sentence" on your paper.
  • What do you think the word "geographic" means? Turn and tell someone.
  • Write down what you think it means on your paper.
Photo by tim caynes


  • of or relating to the natural features and population of a region or regions.
  • (adj)


  • Read the sentence: Of course, we now know that a geocentric idea isn't true because Earth is not the only planet in the universe.
  • Copy the above sentence where it says, "Ms. Taylor's sentence" on your paper.
  • What do you think the word "geocentric" means? Turn and tell someone.
  • Write down what you think it means on your paper.
Photo by AndWat


  • having or representing the earth as a center, viewed or measured as from the center of the earth
  • (noun)
Photo by IslesPunkFan