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Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Culture is defined by custom beliefs, social forms, religion, social groups, material features and characteristics of everyday life.
1) A place I am eager to travel to and learn about their culture is Greece. Greece seems like a wonderful place to travel to because of its beautiful beaches and its ancient civilization you can explore.

Photo by nandadevieast

Cultural identity is what makes you who you are for example your families customs identify you culturally for example the food you eat, the music you listen to, what you celebrate, your religion.
1) My fathers ethnicity is mexican and whatnmakes up his cultural identity is mariach, the typical folk dances and traditions.

Photo by michaelz1

A cultural landscape is created intentionally by man, it may be designed according to religious, artistic or cultural features.
1) A cultural landscape can say a lot about a certain region, you can distinguish how cultures differ from other places.

A cultural marker distinguishes one culture from another.
1) A cultural marker may include something physical like activities you may practice. Landmarks for example battles won within that culture.

Assimilating is referred to as the way of adopting another culture, to become a part of it.
1) By having Mexican parents i have had to assimilate the culture and embrace it as my own, mexican culture is very diverse and wonderful.

Photo by zen

To acculturate is to adapt and modify into a certain culture.
1) When a child is born, that child must acculturate and adapt to its family's life forms.

Photo by fiddleoak

An internally displaced person is someone forced to leave their home, but remain within their countries borders.
1) Africa is a country with an estimated population of 11.8 million IDP.

Photo by stuant63

A refugee is a person who is residing outside their country due to fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality or political opinion.
1) The countries with the highest refugee population are Pakistan with 2,600,000 million, Iran with 996,000 thousand and Syria with 1,254,634 refugees. The world has a total of 10,395,553 refugees.

Photo by Libertinus

A migration stream is a group migration from one country, region or city to a certain destination.
1) The migration stream of a migrations program is designed to tell how many migrants fall within a number of groups.

Photo by swanksalot

Impelled migration is also known as imposed migration. People are not forced out of their countries but they leave because of unfavorable situations, like political problems, religious persecution or warfare.
1) The UK has imposed migration and welfare policies.

Photo by dbtelford

A chain migration is within a certain group of people, for example it could be within a family, within a culture or religion.
1) An example of chain migration is the immigration of Pacific Islanders to New Zeland.

Photo by visualpanic

Emigration is when people leave a country to move to another.
1) People a few years ago emigrated to avoid military service.

Immigration is moving into a new country.
1) Illegal immigrants are usually left in prison for a nigt then deported to the country they tried to cross from.

Photo by tobiwei

Migration is the movement of people from one place in the world to another, usually within the same country.
1) Most migrants travel a short distance. Human migration affects at the most population patterns and characteristics.

Photo by Bob Jagendorf

Some of the push factors of migration include environmental, political, economic and cultural factors. People migrate because of certain difficulties such as food shortage, war, natural disasters.

Photo by REM (rembcc)

Some of the pull factors of migration is because of desirable things such as, better climate, better food supplies, freedom, the economy. Like the push factors the pull factors also include environmental, political, economic and cultural influences.

Photo by epSos.de