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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Geothermal energy comes form hot rocks or springs a few miles beneath the earths surface.


  • United States
  • Philippines
  • Indonesia
  • Mexico
  • Italy

The U.S. generates about 0.4% of its electricity from geothermal energy.

Disadvantages Geothermal energy

  • It is costly installation
  • It can only be used in certain regions
  • Can run out of steam
  • May releaseof harmful gases
  • Can not be transported of long distances

Geothermal is cheap since it uses no fuel to make energy. It also could be even cheaper if more money was used to research even better ways to use geothermal energy.

Photo by c_ambler

Many of the geothermal energy plants use steam and a generator to create electricity

Dry-Steam Plant
These geothermal plants use natural steam to turn turbines which generate electricity

Flash Steam Plants
Flash steam plants uses the hot rocks to heat water that is then pumped to the surface. Once on the surface it turns to steam.

Uses of Geothermal Energy
Geothermal energy can be used to heat and cook directly or it can be used to create electricity.


  • Almost no pollution
  • Reduces reliance on fossil feuls
  • Cheap

Geothermal energy creates almost no pollution but many people fear gases can escape during the drilling of the plants