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The reason I picked German Shepherds was because I want one. I have never owned a dog before and I want to try it out. If I were allowed to get a German Shepherd, it would be amazing. I think a German Shepherd would make a perfect pet.
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German Shepherds by Derick Armstrong

Published on Nov 20, 2015

German Shepherds Report


German Shepherds

by Derick Armstrong
The reason I picked German Shepherds was because I want one. I have never owned a dog before and I want to try it out. If I were allowed to get a German Shepherd, it would be amazing. I think a German Shepherd would make a perfect pet.
Photo by PeterJBellis

Size and Color

Male German Shepherds stand about 25 inches tall from foot to shoulder and normally weigh between 60 to 85 pounds. Females are a couple inches shorter, and stand approximately 23 inches tall and weigh between 55 and 80 pounds.
Most German Shepherds are the classic brown and black as you see in this picture. They can also be all black or all brown, or a combination of black and red, or black and silver.
German Shepherds are very strong and muscular, and are very intelligent.

Police Work

German Shepherds are excellent police dogs. Police dogs are specially trained to assist police. These dogs are trained to be patrol dogs. Patrol dogs need to be big and strong and German Shepherds are exactly that. They are trained to chase and capture criminals.
Since German Shepherds are large, strong, and easy to train, they make great police dogs.
Photo by djking

Fun Facts

German Shepherds are from Germany and you probably have figured that out by now.
They live up to 12-14 years.
They are extremely intelligent which makes them easy to train.
German Shepherds are not what you call a lazy dog.
They have a double coat of fur.
German Shepherds are good with children and other pets.
When they are born, their ears are floppy, and as adults their ears are pointed.
Photo by RobPJKeating


I hope you enjoyed my German Shepherd project. I have learned that German Shepherds make great pets, and are very loyal. I hope that I can talk my parents into getting one!
Photo by RuthArt