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Get a £10,000 rise

Published on Feb 22, 2016

From www.changeability.co : How smarter working can save you and your employer time, stress and money


Get a £10,000 rise

By Not turning up for Work

Today, average UK commuting & office 'extras' cost you nearly £4000 a year

Photo by rrraul

An average commute now takes 54 minutes, thats £5,700 in lost earnings

The cost of One London Desk Space is now £17,000 a year

Photo by Alan Cleaver

And each desk is empty 85% of the time

Photo by Thomas Hawk

There has to be a smarter way to make this work...

Photo by Richard Elzey

Today, your office can be anywhere, anytime

Photo by striatic

Like here...

Photo by nattu

Or here...

Photo by maticulous

which means a lot less traffic, pollution, stress and accidents

Photo by Max Montagut

and, studies show more staff productivity and less sick leave

Photo by Enthuan

so its a Win-Win-Win for staff, employers and UK plc

Photo by @Doug88888

and, since 2014 UK staff have a
Statutory Right to request remote working

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