Get On "The Way"
1. Jesus has opened a new entry point vs. 19-21
for membership in the family
we are part of the family because of the sacrifice of Jesus
for living life with a bold confidence
(Illus. Ancient Origin's article on it would have a dampening effect on some Christians concerned about their jobs....)
for being in the presence of God as sinful creatures with a holy God
this entry point is a new one, in effect was not here before, but now is here.....
living way
living instead of dead, rotten, lifeless
a way, a road - the second half of the word (Illus. Exodus - the way out......)
The feel of a new road, smooth, clearly marked, and relaxing.....
Possible because of his death on the cross, what his body bore -
(Illus. see Isaiah 53)
We can go through Jesus as our
great - vs small, weak, insignificant
high priest - one who speaks to God for the people and speaks to the people for God