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Katie's opening.......

Get On "The Way"

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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The Path

following Jesus "until" 
Katie's opening.......
Photo by PeterThoeny

Get On "The Way"

experience the feel of a "new road"
1. Jesus has opened a new entry point vs. 19-21

for membership in the family

we are part of the family because of the sacrifice of Jesus

for living life with a bold confidence

(Illus. Ancient Origin's article on professor....so it would have a dampening effect on some Christians concerned about their jobs....)

for being in the presence of God as sinful creatures with a holy God

this entry point is a new one, in effect was not here before, but now is here.....

living way

living instead of dead, rotten, lifeless

a way, a road - the second half of the word (Illus. Exodus - the way out......)

The feel of a new road, smooth, clearly marked, and relaxing.....

Possible because of his death on the cross, what his body bore -

(Illus. see Isaiah 53)

We can go through Jesus as our
great - vs small, weak, insignificant

high priest - one who speaks to God for the people and speaks to the people for God
Photo by zmtomako

Get Close

live like God is "right here"
We are invited to draw near

as a group, a whole, not just individuals.....let us....

draw near to God specifically. There are lots of options regarding who we get close to.....

true heart - qualtiy of good truth that is life giving positive and constructive

full assurance - something that is full, simply unable to carry, contain, anything more, full to overflowing

assurance - we have an overflowing abundance of God's character. Fruit of Spirit kind of thing

hearts sprinkled - cleansed from sin like the high priest would do when blood was sprinkled on the altar of the tabernacle

free of evil

(See John 10:10

of faith - trust, belief in, put our life in the hands of

bodies ceremonially cleansed making us fit for service

our whole being is washed free of the stains and influences of sin
Photo by Yogendra174

The thief comes only to steal, kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it to the full.

John 10:10

Get a Grip

"hang on" to the hope that is in Jesus
Let us hold on

do not cut and run

do not bend to the influence of

do not bow in the presence of

Talk about the hope

Talk about the faithfulness of God

Track record of


promises that become reality

Get the point

"move" to safety or service
Help each other stay moving

may take some creative brainstorming - consider.....

The tip of a spear and help us move out of the way of danger

Can be seen as a source of irritation

(Illus. When someone says something to us that irritates or angers us........because they are right)

love - God's love at work in us, the kind that compels to act on behalf of someone else, often at great sacrifice to ourselves.....

good deeds

good instead of evil

things that lead to the abundant life that Jesus describes in John 10
Photo by Travis S.

Get Going

develop the "value" of worship
Going to church that is.....?

Don't abandon, walk away from, leave behind......

getting together for certain, going to church perhaps....

but do not allow yourselves to become spiritually isolated

(Illus. conflicting stats on who is leaving the church......how often Christians rotate churches.....)
Habit of fellowshipping with other Christians, worshipping in a large group

word for ethos - what a person or group considers important behavior....lots of colleges have ethos statements to illustrate what they value as an institution

encourage one another

come alongside to cheerlead spiritually

keep on doing it in an ever increasing manner

in light of the Lord's return

(Illus. references to the Lord's return)

help each other stay focused on what matters,

Untitled Slide

  • Get On the Path
  • Get Close
  • Get a Grip
  • Get the Point
  • Get Going

Encourage Others

  • To follow Jesus
  • To draw near to God
  • To keep going
  • To respond to the poke
  • To stay connected

Michael Cadrette

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