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Getting A Lynx-Cat Hybrid

Published on Dec 10, 2017

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Getting A Lynx-Cat Hybrid

I Want One...Please?

Why Get A Cat?

Photo by @Doug88888

For Starters...

  • The University of Minnesota in 2008 revealed that owning a cat reduces stress and anxiety
  • Lowers chances of cardiovascular disease.
  • The chances of havinga heart attack is reduced by 40 percent if you have a cat.
Photo by Skakerman

Owning a regular pet is a lot of responsibilities... but cats (as you know) are one of the most low-maintenance and independent pets that a person could own.

Photo by isostandards


  • They can easily accomadate with busy scheduals
  • Cats can help with pest control (ie. rats, mice and other rodents).
Photo by sitsgirls


Photo by Alexey Ruban

Also, I Made This Presentation

I put my heart and sole into this thing... please?
Photo by JD Hancock

Can you say no to these guys?

Photo by testspiel

Can you even say no to BILLIE BOB?

...And Emma...

Or This Guy...

Photo by Mitchell Orr

Untitled Slide

Untitled Slide

Photo by twm1340