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When i used to live in the apartment building, it was no wear near fun. It was two bed rooms and one full bathroom. The thing is though is was me and my sister that had to share a room for about five years. Night were I would pee in the bed and she would have to suffer. If i ever needed my parents it wouldn't be hard to contact them because they would only be a few feet away. I remember when i was about four years old i had to help carry groceries all the way up to the third floor. The thing was though we lived on the first floor. i was basically told to help these ladies that had like three tons of food all the way up to their apartmentment. Now what business does a four year old have lifting and carrying gorceries like that.
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getting my own room

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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getting my own room

"Everybody had to share a room"
When i used to live in the apartment building, it was no wear near fun. It was two bed rooms and one full bathroom. The thing is though is was me and my sister that had to share a room for about five years. Night were I would pee in the bed and she would have to suffer. If i ever needed my parents it wouldn't be hard to contact them because they would only be a few feet away. I remember when i was about four years old i had to help carry groceries all the way up to the third floor. The thing was though we lived on the first floor. i was basically told to help these ladies that had like three tons of food all the way up to their apartmentment. Now what business does a four year old have lifting and carrying gorceries like that.

its devin not devon

"At school they say my name funny"
Ever since i've been in school , my whole life people spell my name devon. I would have to say its devin and they would so ok like they heard me but i dont think they really understood. I feel everybodies pain that gets their name mispelled or mispronounced. The girl is book has to deal with that everyday at school and i think i know how she feels. People calling her names that are somewhere no where near close to what her actual name is. During kindergarden was most likely the hardest time with me dealing with my name. It was only because i was younger and didin't really care. Im older now and when people pronounce my name wrong it makes me so mad because you would think people when spell things the way they sound.

my friend darius

"Darius who doesn't like school"
I have a couple of friends that remind me of darius. They're very street smart but not really the smartest in school. You wouldn't think that but its true. you can ask him who won the game last night. You can ask about the latest shoes to come out. One thing you cant do is cheat off of him. He has a good heart. He just doesn't know the direction he is going in. This isn't exactly good but he did apply math to his life. He spent his time counting drug money. Now he's gone. Now the only thing he is counting is time in jail. He was only 14 when he got his first charge. I haven't seen him in almost 3 years now. Hopefully when he gets out he'll be more book smart. The streets can wait. I tried to tell him this but he was very hard headed. I miss him. These are the mistakes that we make that have negative endings. His birthday day was yesterday. I don't even think he knows.

My favorite kicks

"Does your mother know you have those shoe on"
My favorite sneaker in the whole wide world is the Air Jordan 11 Concord Retro. I don't know what is is about them that attracts me so much but they are just so nice looking. The original release date for these was December 12, 2012 at 8:00 P.M. Sadly i was not able to get them. I had set my alarm the night before for 7:00 so i could wake up get breakfast and be down at the mall my 7:45. I had my money and some extra for them.By the time i got there, the line was going out the mall and back again. I was upset because by that time i had already knew I was not getting them. The way they had everything set up was by tickets numbers. Almost 2 hours go by, I can just hear the cashier ringing off number. My number was number 278. There had to be at least 500 people behind me. The odds had been stacked against me from the beginning. I finally got to the front. I asked for my size and he said"we ran out of those 1 hour ago. I was devastated. Ever since that day I have not stopped looking for a pair in my size.
Photo by ye-wa

I think i need a belt

"His tshirt never stays tucked in his pants 
I usher every other Sunday at my church. This Sunday was very different from all the rest for some reason. The night before I had went to the movies and didn't get home until 11:00. I had for got to set my alarm. I woke up late and didn't even have time for breakfast. I rushed to get dressed. I had the strongest feeling in my stomach that I was going to forget something. Before I left I had a full inventory check. My jacket, pants,shirt,shoes etc. I got to church late and had almost forgot my gloves. I began ushering at 9:30. By 9:45 I started to realize that something was off about what I was wearing. I checked everything. My dad ended up coming behind me and asking "where is your belt"? I knew it ! That whole day for the next 2 hours my shirt was becoming undone on its own. That was the first time that I had ever forgot anything. I have been ushering 2 years now. This was the biggest rookie mistake of my life. Now I know that what I do on Saturday night, will effect what I do on Sunday morning.
Photo by colchuck

best christmas ever

"I open up and she had bags and boxes" 
Christmas has always been the best time of year. It is for every kid. Christmas and birthdays are are on top. I get my license in December this year. I hope that I will be able to pen something new. This year I want to open a car. The fact that I might be getting a car gives me chills. Ever since I was about 6 I've been anxious for a car. I need a specific kind of car. I need an Acura TL. Those in my opinion are the best car every made. My dad owns one. His is a 2009 model. Its has every perk and gadget you can think of. It may sound old but it is far from it. I honestly don't care if I get 2014. I don't even care if I get a 1997. I just need an Acura TL that I can call my own. If I can do that this year I will feel on top of the world. It will have a 100 more miles on it before the day is over.

The job i want

"I wasn't if as I didn't want to work"
The job I want needs to make at least $100,000. I refuse to make minimum wage growing up. I refuse to struggle. I refuse to have fear. I've seen enough of that in my life. Growing up there were times where I saw people not knowing where there next meal was going to come from. I've seen people skip out on a meal through out the day. I've seen people have to sacrifice something for something else. That will not be me. I've been looking to major in engineering when I get to college. I don't know what kind yet. Whether it be computers or me building something. Whatever makes me the most money is what i'm doing. Anything legal that is. I want a top secret job. Something that I can't even tell my family about. I want a top secret clearance with badge and ID. I want to be able to walk into a sky scraper building with top level security. The pentagon is an exception. It's not a sky scraper but it has top level security.

i wish my hair did that

"Everybody in my family has different hair"
My mom's hair curls. My grand mom's hair curls. My doesn't though. When we are about to go somewhere my mom just wets it. My grannie does too. If I tried to do that, my head would get nappy. Then I would have to brush and pick then comb out everything. That is the biggest hassle. I wish sometimes that I could do what my mom can do. Just wet it and go. One time when I was little I didn't know any better and tried it. I had a lot of hair at the time. After I realized that it didn't work, I tried to comb it it. That was the worst mistake ever. I got the comb stuck. Stuck in my head and it wouldn't come out. That is one of the reasons I cut my hair. That and it was getting really hard to maintain.

i l o v e m o n e y

"If you give me five dollars I will be your friend forever"
Money is one my favorite things in the world. It's what runs the world. Whoever has to most money has the most power. That is proven by many things. Look at Donald Trump. You can also look at Oprah, Michael Jordan, and Bill Gates. The fact that money equals power is mainly proven by parents. Whenever they take something from you. Even when they do what they want with your stuff. If you ask them why? They always say "because I paid for it." That is the weakest excuse in the book. It is very true i'm starting to see but I still hate it. Just the other day I asked my dad for $10 to go to the movies. He said yes. I was happy. Then I asked him for money for snacks and he said no. I said why. He said, because i'm paying for it.
Photo by mrmatt

auntie's gone

"Your abuelito is dead"
My aunt was one of the sweetest women in the world. She would never harm a fly. One day i went down to my home town of South Carolina and i went to see my aunt. I never noticed until late but my aunt had gotten sick while i was gone.
Photo by bark

i made a mess

"The baby spilled kool-aid"
Being the kid that I was, i used to always make messes. Every kid does those. If you haven't then you lived a terrible child hood. My mom would always tell me stories about how I would always run through the kitchen. I would always happen to bump something that led to something else that lead to making a mess. One event I remember my self is when me and my sister had go into fight over a chicken wing. It sounds stupid but it actually happened. My grandmother had come to watch us while my parents were in Cancun. She made her famous fried chicken. She would always let the both of us have one piece before she was completely done cooking. Now my sister is 10 year older than me so you can already tell how this story is going. Now when my grand mom gave us our pieces she was finished first. I was still eating and just minding my business. All of a sudden I see a big hand come across my face and grabs my chicken right out of my hands. I chases for almost 2 minutes before my leg clipped the stool and knocked over almost a whole plate of hot chicken.
Photo by echobase_2000

what was her name!

"She meet him at a dance"
There has been so many times where i went to a party and meat a nice girl and just so happens that I don't get her name and number. This past summer me and my friends went to a lot of parties. We saw a lot of girls and had a lot of chances. We got there a little late but that wasn't a big deal. The problem was a soon as i got there I saw the prettiest girl. She was with three other friends and so was I. We made our appropriate moves. I walked up to her and ask how was she doing. She said good, but I could tell something was wrong. I told her that I knew something was wrong and she could sense it. So most of all that night I ended up having a therapy session with her. She said that her parents had go into a high argument before she left. She said the argument was about her going to all these parties. I told her that she could trust me and she told me the rest. I don't how but when I had looked up the party was over. After we said bye I got in the car. Then it had hit me; I didn't get here name or number !
Photo by Fey Ilyas

what is that on the floor!

"We used to sit on the floor until he saw a cockroach"
When i used to go up to Philadelphia i had to go to the ghetto. Small apartments and townhouses is all i new. My grandmas house was something different. I would ask simply to go to the bathroom and she'd say okay. One day was different. I walked into the bathroom to handle my business. I always went in there so i was expecting the same thing every time. When i sat down I looked around and cockroach was starring me in my face. I yelled almost like a girl. I handle to hurry up what I was doing and get out of there. My grandma came in and tried to figure out what was happening. I told what i saw and she called me a baby. That day she did actually make me feel like one. She did this thing that I could have never done at the time. She flicked the roach off the wall and stepped on it. That day I looked up to her like no other day. She became my hero for saving my life from the little baby cockroach. Now every time I see one i think back to that day when i was 4 years old and couldn't defend my self from a bug.
Photo by hj_west

im not scared

"One time I looked to hard"
There was times when I lived South Carolina were you could start fighting with in five seconds. There was these boys that would always ride there bikes up and down the street. I didn't know them exactly but i knew who they were. They were these gang members that just went around trying to scare everybody in the neighborhood. Me and my friends always wanted to tell them that no body was scared but nobody wanted trouble. We always just stare them down as they went down the street. One day i looked to hard though. Usually our looks would be short and quick. One day i got brave out of no where. I saw them from the bottom of the hill. I looked them down from where I stood. The closer they got the faster my heart was beating. We ended up making contact from a football field's length it felt like. When the finally ended up passing us i finally breathed. I don't think I was scared but my adrenaline was up.

they're always there for me

"They are the only ones who understand me"
My best friends I know will always be there for me. We've known each other to long. If I could I would do everything in my power to be there for them every time they needed me. One time in the 7th grade there was some drama happening. It was happening between me and some other boy. I didn't want anything unreasonable. A couple days had went by and things were getting out of hand. I told my best friends. We all agreed on a plan to just ignore the situation. I don't know why I didn't think about it earlier but it came up eventually. Things were still exciting for a little but by the end of the week, it was like things never started.

that's big mama

"Out stepped a pink toe, and a foot soft as a rabbits ear"
My grandma Debby was everybody's momma. She was the most loving female figure that I knew. Next to my mom and older sister, I knew I could go to her. Her love was tough. Her love was what you needed though. If you were crying she would help you with your problem. If you were crying unnecessarily, she would tell you shut up and toughen up. It was what you needed to hear. She didn't play any games either. If you were acting up, you were getting the switch. She was also a grandmom that would spoil you. If you were bringing home good grades, Ice was coming your way. Any flavor you wanted. Chocolate, Vanilla and anything you could think of. She was going out the way to spoil you. She was also going to go out of her way to make sure you were dicsiplined. That's my big moma though.
Photo by Tamurello


"Rafaela who drinks coconut and papaya juice on Tuesdays"
Milk shakes on Wednesdays are the best. Every time I can almost anticipate one. Sonic drive-thru is always the spot. There is a certain reason why we choose Sonic. They have half priced shakes everyday after 8:00 P.M. Honestly I would go everyday if I could. I can only go on Wednesdays. Every other day I have practice and have homework. I never have time come back out and get them. On Wednesdays it's an exception. I have church. Church isn't over until 9:00. I'll already be in perfect timing with when they start. We recently started doing this. My family just love milkshakes so it was great timing. I actually love milkshakes. I have spent my last dollars just on milkshakes. I don't know if it's just me or if it is just that good.
Photo by kurmanstaff

everybody wants her

"Sally is the girl with eyes like Egypt"
Every school has that girl. That girl that everybody wants. In my school you see that girl every corner. There are actually lots of those types girls in small areas. Just today I went to the mall. I went into DTLR. I saw at least 3 girls that made me stumble. I walked into Footlocker and saw the exact same thing. I don't what is going in the world. What ever it is I like it. One day in school something spectacular happend. I don't even think she went to my school but I saw her. She had long black her and green eyes. I don't even know her name. She didn't need a name. She reminded you of a princess of Egypt. I

she only 16

"Minerva is only a little bit older than I am"
She is only 16. 16 with a baby. I didn't know you could start that early. She was making mistakes that everybody knows not to make. We'll at least some people know. I could never have baby this early. I don't

MY dream home

"One day I'll own my own house, but I won't forget who I am"
Photo by mlhradio