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Slide Notes

A workshop for SA Teachers on Media Arts and Technologies

Originally planned for EdTech SA - July 15th 2015

Modified for Flibnders Partnership july 19 2015

Getting up STEAM

Published on Nov 18, 2015

This slide deck is about teaching Digital Technologies through Media Arts and vice versa. It looks at the intersections between the two subjects from different learning areas.


Getting up STEAM

Teaching Media Arts and Digital Technologies
A workshop for SA Teachers on Media Arts and Technologies

Originally planned for EdTech SA - July 15th 2015

Modified for Flibnders Partnership july 19 2015
Photo by RobertFrancis


  • Science
  • Technology
  • Engineering
  • Arts
  • Mathematics
Photo by mag3737


  • What do you know?
  • What do you want to know
  • Today's Meet
Photo by gadl

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Digital Technologies is one of two subjects in the Australian Curriculum: Technologies Learning Area.

The star of the show is Computational Thinking which works in with Design Thinking which is the main player in the Design subject.

Digital Technologies

  • Digital Systems
  • Data
  • Computational Thinking
  • Collaboration and Management
Digital Technologies

Digital Systems
the components of digital systems: hardware, software and networks.

how data are represented and structured symbolically for use by digital systems. Different types of data are studied in the bands including text, numeric, images (still and moving) and sound

Computational Thinking
Computational thinking is a process of recognising aspects of computation in the world and being able to think logically, algorithmically, recursively and abstractly.

Collaboration and Management
Collaborative projects are more complex as tasks need to be allocated to different team members, priorities set (what task is dependent on the completion of another), strategies for monitoring progress determined and a file management system established so that file types and versions are clearly identified.
Photo by Doha Sam

Design and Technologies

  • Technologies and Society
  • Technologies Contexts - (Food and Fibre) (Engineering Principles) (Materials and Specialisations
  • Design Thinking
Photo by m-s-y

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Common Ground

Computational and Design Thinking
Design Thinking applies to both areas.
Photo by <Fernando>

Common Ground

  • Making and Responding/Designing and Evaluating
  • Representing Viewpoints/User Interface and Experience
  • Knowledge and Context/Process and Production
  • Evaluation/Iteration and Prototyping
Common Ground
Media / Digital
Making and Responding/Designing and Evaluating
Representing diverse viewpoints / Understanding solving problems through investigating user experiences and viewpoints
Knowledge of skills and techniques used to create art forms - acknowledging context / Process - computational thinking - solving problems and devising solutions
Evaluation - making judgements / evaluating through rapid prototyping and finding solutions through revised iterations.
Photo by bezael_moi

Some Common Ground Learning

  • Media creation through coding
  • Branching and story - user input and decisions
  • Representing data graphically
  • Collaborating and managing media production through technologies
  • Providing feedback/evaluation through interactive user experience
Animations like Scratch using coding. Even laborious animations repurposing powerpoint.
(Scratch playlist)

When a character decides to choose one action over another we have a "sliding door" effect - predicting possible outcomes and graphically organising the possible outcomes is part of "branching" or algorithmic thinking.

A place to create your own CYOA….

Open data sources are a great way for students to consider how to put data to good use to improve environments, products or services.


Collaborating and managing a media production like those on Kickstarter campaigns and gov hack.

Investigating user experience, getting feedback.

Photo by ThomasThomas


  • Humans need not apply
  • Need to know
  • Future proofing
  • Creativity
  • Engagement with student experiences
  • Critical Digital Citizens - Prosumers
Humans need not apply

Need to know

Future proofing


Engagement with student experiences

Critical Digital Citizens - Prosumers

Digital Technologies

  • Branching
  • Algorithm - flowchart
  • Computational Thinking

What do you know now?

Assessment rubric on task sheet
Photo by Quasimondo

Untitled Slide

ICT general capabilitie s runs through both. ICT general capabilities is very different from the Digital Technologies subject.

Where to?

A call to action
Photo by garryknight

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