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key communicators- members from the past plan and new members
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Gettysburg Adams Chamber of Commerce Strategic Planning

January 26, 2017


Gettysburg Adams County Chamber of Commerce

Strategic Planning Proposal
key communicators- members from the past plan and new members

Steering Committee

key communicators- members from the past plan and new members

Together this team is responsible for the work

Representatives of all constituents reflecting the diversity of the population and levels of the population.

about 20-30 people
Photo by hjl

Examine Plan

*M & V- does this need to be revised?
*Lay out what is trying to be accomplished, for what purposes.
*Examine each element of the current strategic plan to determine if each element is exactly what is desired, Needs to be tweaked or if something different is desired.
All with the lens of the 8 Influences affecting Chambers of Commerce

Needs Assessment

*Gather and look at Current data, archival data, survey data,

*data collection could include: data on retention and expansion of businesses, long-term economic development, marketing, housing, industrialization, small business and entrepreneurship, membership growth, financial sustainability,

*Identify critical issues
ensuring that input is being solicited from the silent majority

Accomplishments & Challenges

Identify from the data and anecdotal accomplishments and challenges. This helps to focus on what went well, examine why it went well so that process could possibly be repeated

After having all the data analyzied and the cr

Set Goals & Establish Workflow

Identify the critical issues ( can choose to have a town meeting to share these ideas on the critical issues and glean feedback from the community. This assists with buy in and commitment.
*Establish Action Teams
-people who are interested in the topic. choose a motivated leader of the team making sure representation is crossfunctional

*develop at minimum 3 goals. thinking short-term, mid-term, long-term

*outside facilitator to be present at each first Action team meetings to establish work flow/rules of engagement to support the empowerment of all team members
Photo by FutUndBeidl

Strategies and Implementation Steps

Strategy- broad brush- what is needed to accomplish the goal-
ie. increase social media presence vs. redesign webpage, etc

*share hard copy example

Facilitator Benefits

  • Unbiased
  • Asks questions to encourage deep thinking
  • Cluster ideas
  • Ensure an engaging and connected process
co facilitation?
benefits of a 3rd party facilitator
cannot be looked upon as having a biased as to what goals need to be, and when they . this person is "tool" for the process. not an integral part of determining what the goals/obj are or when they need to be accomplished.
Can layout a timeline as to what seems to fit best when and ensures fidelity of an engaging process and engagement of all stakeholders.
Outside facilitator- can help reach consensus if competing thoughts or strategies arise. Can help ensure that what is being developed is aligned with 8 influcences.

How the LIU can Help

Facilitation- sub committee discussions to analyze data and identify goals
establish timelines
Plan, prepare, compile NA (including accomplishments and concerns)
Assist in establishing sub committees, Facilitate committee discussions including workflow.
Assist in showcasing the alignment between the goals, strategies and implementation steps
Work with Project lead to develop action plans
Prepare draft plan

experience with supporting strategic planning work for over 15 years
We work to facilitate, create and leverage partnerships between education entities and businesses.
We have strong relationships with community partners, including local business and area universities.
