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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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The Unsolved Mystery

What are ghosts?
Ghosts are the spirit of dead organisms. Whether they're people or animals, they can appear to the living in some way.

Why are ghosts a mystery?
Ghosts are a mystery because no one can REALLY prove if they've been sighted or not. Yes, there are "Ghosts caught on film", but no one can prove whether editing was used or not.

Many people report sightings of ghosts. Mostly because in modern people, fear is a big factor when they think of the paranormal.

Ghosts are imagined to have some sort of linking with the afterlife. That's one of the reason so many people are afraid of them; they don't want to die.

Some scientists believe that ghosts are just an optical illusion. Although, how could they prove that they really are?

Ghosts are believed to be made of unidentified, misty material. Some people report seeing balls of light.

Many people have theories of hearing bumps in the night, seeing, or even feeling ghosts.

In 2007, a family reported screaming and train sounds in their century old barn. The old looking furnace ignited off nothing when the officer went to investigate. It made a growling sound, and the woman who owned the barn freaked out. She was very religious, and blamed it on the barn not being blessed. Was it really a ghost?

A train track in Griffin, Georgia called The Trestle is supposedly haunted. Many people report seeing a woman in a blue or purple dress crying. They also report hearing train sounds near the track, and intense sobbing. All of this happens at night, and people most commonly report driving by very slowly and hearing these sounds. What do you think?

Many scientists oppose the "proof" of the paranormal. Ghosts are classified by types A, F, N, R, and X. These classes all have to deal with size, shape, motion, and how often they're spotted. Scientists also say that the overall possibility of ghosts' existence is ridiculous.

In conclusion, ghosts are an unsolvable mystery. Ghost detectives and their fancy gadgets claim to have interacted with ghosts, but how can we tell if they're truthful? Scientists are researching at lightening speed for proof of ghosts not even existing, but how will they ever make progress? Ghosts are up to you on whether you believe in them or not. Happy haunting.

By Mallory Smith

Of Mrs.Worley's 2nd period