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Gifted and Talented Students

Published on Dec 06, 2015

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Students Who are gifted and Talented

Cassie, Courtney, Leyrizza and Vanessa

Myth or fact?

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  • Students who are gifted don't need help, they'll do fine on their own
  • (National Association for Gifted Children, 2009)


Photo by phi1317

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  • Students who are gifted and talented will succeed
  • (ACT Government Education and Training, 2010)


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  • Not all students who are gifted and talented are confident and social
  • (National Association for Gifted Children, 2009)


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  • Students who receive poor grades cannot be gifted or talented
  • (ACT Government Education and Training, 2010)


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  • Students who are gifted often feel bored or out of place with their age peers
  • (ACT Government Education and Training, 2010)


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  • Students who are gifted and talented are one or two year levels higher than the rest of their peers in terms of academic development


Whole Group Discussion

Photo by FutUndBeidl

Of the three strategies, differentiation, mentoring and acceleration, which strategy or combination of strategies, do you think would allow a student who is gifted to reach their full potential?

Think, Pair, SharE

Of the three strategies, differentiation, mentoring and acceleration, which strategy or combination of strategies, do you think would allow a student who is gifted to reach their full potential?

In Jacob's situation, he does not like one-off tests. What are some other effective ways to assess Jacob?

Think Pair Share

In Jacob's situation, he does not like one-off tests. What are some other effective ways to assess Jacob?

The difference between students who are bright and students who are gifted and talented

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