Error Analysis is a strategy where students critically examine another piece of work for errors, incorrect steps, missing pieces, and more!
According to Robert Marzano, Error Analysis is at the top of higher level thinking skills. It requires students to create, analyze, and even prove their choice.
Cobb County Advanced Learning Strategies states the following about Error Analysis:
Analyze a proposed solution to a question or problem for errors and provide written details on how to fix the errors or explain what steps should’ve been taken to avoid the error. Proposed solutions to be supplied by instructor.
In my math class I use error analysis....
We assess mathematical problems for accuracy in problem solving.
I love to use Error Analysis to help with test taking.
It also aids in conceptual
The purpose of this type of assignment is to have students critically examine another piece of work for errors or faulty support and then be critiqued on the accuracy of their assessment.
Here are some examples of Error Analysis activities I've used in my classroom
Find the error in solving this multi-step equation.
In preparing for the Algebra EOC this year, we used Error Analysis to eliminate DISTRACTORS.
What is a distractor?
In a well written multiple choice test, distractors are the incorrect answer choices found purposely by predicting the most common errors a student will make.
One of my students said,
"I like figuring out how to find the wrong answers even more than finding the right answer."
That's pretty powerful!
Error Analysis can be used in non-Math classes also!
In a Science class, students could could find the error made on a food web.
In an English class, students could find grammatical errors in an opinion paper.
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