
Published on Nov 22, 2015

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I was born in Jackson, Mississippi

But raised in Monroe Louisiana

When I was 14 we moved

I began to work on making a water fuel engine

years later i published what i found and got an early scholarship to college in engineering

while attending i got into some trouble

it was challenging to find work with a record

in my twenties i found a job at an engineering company, Nandos

i was able to make bluprints for an age reversing machine, i called it "linum agri."

my boss found my work and stole the bluprints.

with resaorces from the company he produced the machine

since there was nothing i could do i kept my mouth shut during the whole ordeal

he planned to unvail "his" project and invite prominant figures to invest in the idea

little did he know my bluprints where flawed and i had to tweak some things, but he would not beleive me

he continued with plan and that night surprised everybody by testing the machine out

i knew it was dangerous and tried to stop him but when i did so my arm got stuck in the door and the machine started to spin

the machiner was spinning fast and eventually ripped my arm off

the attendees where horrified when i fell out and thge door opened

my boss was nothing but red mush. the machine acted like a blender killing him and taking my arm

the machine was heating up and spin again they attempted to escape and so did i

i was in shock so i ran out the door

shortly after the building exploded and i passed out

i awoke later to see a doctor staring me in the face

i imidiatley jumped up in the bed

she explained that i had been in a coma for a month or so and that the government found out the blueprints to the linum agri were mine. they blamed the entire explosion on me

many people had died in the explosion so i was put on number one priority to find

Untitled Slide

Darrell Cluck

Haiku Deck Pro User