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Giver Project

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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The Plot
There is a boy named Jonas who lives on a community that can't see color and has lots of rules. He has a slightly different life. He has a different 12th ceremony than the others. He gets the job Receiver and he must do many things that need courage. He also meets the Giver who gives him memories. He is fine until he finds out about "release to elsewhere". He must do something to stop it, but he has no idea what!

The main characters are the Giver and Jonas.
Jonas is very sympathetic because he asks what he can do to help the Giver "I'll come back tomorrow. Unless maybe there's something I can do" (on page 118.)
The Giver is kind and loving because he loved the previous receiver "Rosemary"(page 144). He said she was very kind and always brought a smile to your face. He was also kind because he did not want to give the hurtful memories away to somebody else.

The Theme
The lesson is that people will lie because they don't want other people to know the horrible things they must do. In The Giver Jonas's father lies to his whole family that things at work are perfectly fine.

The symbolism in The Giver is the sameness. I would not like sameness, because I think it would be terrible and different from the great things we have here. Every thing is grey and boring. You never see snow, rain, sunshine or any good things. People who are not receivers will never know the joy of riding a sled down a steep hill.