Areas with glaciers :
Currently in Russia there are 18 mountain glaciers systems.
Number of glaciers :
In Russia there are 81 named glaciers.
Biggest glacier :
Academy of Sciences Glacier
The massive Academy of Sciences Glacier, the largest in the Russian Federation, covering over two thirds of Komsomolets Island.
Oldest glacier :
Karpinsky Glacier
The oldest glacier in Russia is found on the October Revolution Island and is also known as Mount Karpinsky.
Size :
In total, it is approximated that 3480 square kilometres of Russia is occupied by glaciers.
Where :
The Russian Navy have discovered 5 previously unchartered islands in Russia that contain glaciers.
Colour :
Glacial ice may appear blue at times when it has become quite dense and free of bubbles. Years of compression make the ice gradually denser, this forces the tiny air pockets out between crystals. When glacier ice becomes very dense, the ice absorbs a small amounts of red light, leaving behind a bluish tint in the reflected light, which is what we can see. When glacier ice is white, that usually means that there are still lots of tiny air bubbles in the ice.
Ice crystals :
In Russia ice crystals in glaciers can become as large as baseballs.
Melting :
- If all land ice melted in Russia, sea level would rise by approximately 40 meters worldwide.
- Due to climate change glacier reductions for the second part of twentieth century range from 10.6% to 69%!
Drinking :
Glacier ice is the largest reservoir of fresh water on the planet, storing approximately 75 percent of the world's supply!