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Published on Nov 20, 2015

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chapter 2/3
Photo by Ludovico Cera

Chapter 2 Section 1: The search for spices

Photo by Monitotxi

Valuable Spices

  • spices were the most valued items
  • Moluccas: chief of spice sources (indonesia)
  • cartographers: map makers/resign ships


  • Prince Henry: convert africans to christianity
  • Vasco da Gama: lead 4 ships around Cape of Good
  • Christoper Columbus: wanted to reach East Indies/reached the new world
Photo by dmertl

Chapter 2 Section 2: Turbulent centuries in Africa

Photo by angela7dreams

Slave Trade Explodes

  • Mombasa & Malinidi hubs of international trade
  • Affonso I: ruler of Kongo -tried to stop slave trade
  • Large number of slaves needed to do work on plantations

Asante Kingdom (Ghana)

  • Osei Tutu- took control of Kumasi (trading city)
  • monopoly: exclusive control of a buisness

The European Presence Expands

  • 1652, Dutch immigrants arrive
  • Cape Town: First permanent European settlement, supply ships sailing to or from East Indies
  • Boers: dutch farmers, settle around Cape Town
Photo by Fitz_Carraldo

Chapter 2 Section 3: European Footholds in South and Southeast Asia

Photo by davecito

Portugal builds an eastern empire

  • Afonso de Albuquerque: command over Portuguese
  • they take the island Goa on the coast of India (made into a military and commercial base)
  • took port of Malacca(1511) burns coastal towns and crushed Arab fleets at sea

Rise of the Dutch

  • Dutch East India Company formed by a group of weathly merchants in 1602
  • sovereign power: build armies,wage war, negotiate peace treaties, and govern overseas territory
  • captured Malacca from Portueguese
  • Dutch loses some power during the 1700's because England and France getting more power
Photo by Werner Kunz

Spanish seizes the Philippines

  • received silver from Mexico and Peru across the pacific and buy goods from China
  • Spanish priests try to convert Filipino to Christianity
  • Filipinos try to spread it to china and japan

Chapter 2 Section 4: Encounters in East Asia

Photo by skasuga

European contact with Ming China

  • Ming claims "our empire owns the world"
  • let them trade at Macao(Guangzhou) but demanded payment of gold and silver and under supervision
  • Matteo Ricci: little success in religious belief spreading but, the Chinesse were interested to learn about the Renis.
Photo by Heliocide

Manchu Conquest

  • made new dynasty called Qing when Ming feel apar
  • Eropeans still tried to trade but were denied for being disrespectful
Photo by mharrsch

Japan and Korea isolate

  • Korea: get attacked by Japan, cities burn, diesease kills
  • Japan: trusted Westerners at first but they cut it off after finding out they took over the Philippines. Let 1-2 dutch ships each year to trade at a little island in Nagasaki harbor.
Photo by zilverbat.

Chapter 3 Section 1: Conquest in the Americas

First Explorer in the Americas

  • Christopher Columbus: (1492 in west indies) first friendly with Tainos
  • Conquistadors: settle in Hispaniola (took natives gold, forced Christianity, and disease wiped out 90% of Natives pop.)
Photo by Claus Rebler

Cortes conquers Mexico

  • 1519 arrives in Tenochtitlan
  • Malinche: youn Indian woman helps translate and makes local tribe alliences to fight Aztecs
  • Montezuma gives gifts to keep them away, but there is a war and Montezuma is killed

Pizarro takes Peru

  • (1532) kills Incan ruler Atahualpa in Peru, then goes through Ecuador and Chile
  • He bring a lot of money back in ships
Photo by 00dann

Chapter 3 Section 2: Spanish and Portuguese Colonies in the Americas

Photo by Rennett Stowe

Spanish government

  • king sets up the Council of the Indies to pass laws for the colonies
  • viceroy: someone who ruled the colony in the kings name
  • Audiencias: lesser officials who advised the viceroy
  • strict control over empire (trade, forced labor, converting to Christianity)
Photo by martinrstone


  • encomiendas: European right to demand labor from NativeAmericans in the certain areas (resistance=death)
  • Bartolomew de las Casas: against using natives and suggests using Africans
  • they would work on plantations (large estate run by an owner)
  • peons: workers forced to labor for a landlord in order to pay off a debt
Photo by D-Stanley

Colonial society

  • Peninsulares: "pure bloods"
  • Creole: pure blood parents but born in new world
  • Mestizos: mix of European and Native Americans
  • Mulattos: mix of European and african
  • Spanish settlers lived in mexico city (colonial cities and towns)
Photo by dbking

Cultural blend

  • blend: native Americans, Africans,and Europeans
  • Natives: shared styles of building, eating, travelling, and art
  • Africans: share dances, drama, farming methods, cooking styles, crops, and different religious beliefs
  • Europeans: spread religion, introduced horses, clothing, and language

Settling Brazil

  • Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 Portugal claims Brazil
  • Tupian indians lived in Brazil (wiped out by disease)
  • not wealthy with gold and silver
  • main exports: Brazil wood and sugarcane
  • main import:slaves for sugar plantations
Photo by achimvoss

Chapter 3 Section 3: Struggle for North America

Photo by NapaneeGal

Building New France (Canada)

  • (1534) Jacques Cartier explors coast line and travels inland on St. Lawrence River he discovered
  • main export: timber, furs, and fish
  • first settlement in 1608: Samuel de Champlain established colony of Quebe
  • *harsh weather makes farming harder, few came, the ones that did left soon*
Photo by chartno3

Empire slowly expands

  • Louis XIV wants to strengthen royal power and boost revenues (income from taxes from over seas emipire)
  • Sends more soldiers and settlers including women
  • by the 1700's forsts,missions and trading posts had expanded from Quebec to Lousiana
Photo by failing_angel

Struggling for power

  • French and Indian War: 1754-1763
  • British launced an attack and took over Quebec
  • (1763) Treaty of Paris: ended world wide war. French had to hand over Quebec and lands east of the missippi river

Chapter 3 Section 4: The Atlantic Slave Trade

Photo by cool-art

Triangular Trade across the Atlantic

  • 3 legs: 1st- goods to Africa for slaves/ 2nd leg: slaves to America for raw materials- sugar, molasses, tobacco/3rd leg: raw materials back to Europe or other colonies to restart cycle
  • Middle Passage: point between Africa and the Americas (2nd leg)
  • *impacted 80,000 slaves a year*


  • the Triangular Trade system was to strong to resist
  • Affonso I: (ruler of Kongo) made state Christian
  • he beieved the trade of humas was evil
Photo by teresehart

Chapter 3 Section 5: Effects of global Contact

Photo by mharrsch

Columbian Exchange

  • Europe sent horses and manufactured good
  • The New World sent pumpkins, tomatoes, peppers, and corn
  • *sparked the migration of millions of people to the New World*

A Commercial Revolution (1500's)

  • inflation: more money in the world with less gold and silver in the bank
  • capitalism: economic system in which most buisnesses are owned privatly
  • entrepreneurs: people who take financial risk to make profits

Mercantilism Arises

  • mercantilism: to build its supply of gold and silver a nation would export more goods and import less
  • tariffs: taxes on imported goods
  • merchants who invested in over seas ventures got money, but nobles lost power because land was their only wealth
Photo by ralphrepo