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Global Connections

Published on Dec 04, 2015

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Global Connections

U.S. School Desegregation & Girls Education in the Developing World
Photo by Leo Reynolds

Prior to the Civil Rights Movement and Brown v. Board of Education, a significant portion of the U.S. population was denied equality in education.

Today, a significant portion of the global population is denied access to equal educational opportunities, or even education at all.

Girls in developing nations.

Who belongs to this segment of the global population?

Why is educating girls in developing nations so important?

When girls are educated:
-They are more likely to marry later and have fewer children.
-Their children are more likely to survive past the age of 5.
- Educated girls will invest an average of 90% of their income back into their families...
-...compared to the 35% boys will invest
-When 10% more of girls in a country go to school, the GDP in that country rises by an average of 3%.

Looking back on the Civil Rights Movement, it seems obvious that providing equal educational opportunities for U.S. citizens was the right thing to do.

In fifty years, will we look back and wonder why providing equal educational opportunities for girls all over the world took so long to catch on?