For individuals to realize their potential in changing things; to accept and act on group decisions; to compromise; to gain a sense of importance and self worth and a growing respect for difference and diversity; to hold a belief that things can be better and that individuals can make a difference (Oxfam Education).
In small groups, student's will place each statement into order of what they believe it most important. While statements of equal importance can be placed beside one another.
This activity includes teamwork and communication. Each student is able to give reason and their own views within their group as to why they believe a statement could be placed in a specific spot.
After 15 minutes the class will come back together and discuss as a whole, giving each group a chance to explain their reasoning of placement.
I will then ask the student's to get back into their groups and discuss how they can shed importance on these statements, for example on the first point, a suggestion could include listening to others, asking others what is wrong or how they are etc...
I could extend this activity into the class writing pledges, on what the student's will try and do to show their global citizenship and they can be put on display as reminders.
This will end as an activity where the student's feel important and are able to make changes and take responsibility.