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a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide
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Global warming

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Global warming

Spencer lingard
a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide

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The electricity generated to power air conditioning carries both global and personal health consequences. In burning fossil fuels such as coal to supply electricity to homes

Runnin Runnin

Water heating is the second largest energy expense in your home. It typically accounts for about 18% of your utility bill after heating and cooling.

Solar water heaters avoid the greenhouse gas emissions associated with electricity production. it can waste 10 gallons in for the amount of time you brush your teeth and in that time

Day n nite

When you leave a light on when nobody is in the room it make the electricity bill higher and the coal that is used to make power it is being wasted and of course the coal gives off emissions that harm the environment

MTV top hits

Making a television set is an involved industrial process. It takes energy, provided by fossil fuels, and produces non-renewable materials that contribute to the growing problems of e-waste.

Xbox and Tv

When you play your favorite game of watch a movie it wasted energy and hurts the environment but when the TV of gaming system is still plugged in it still has electricity and it is being wasted

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