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definition- *the exchange of ideas*
Photo by anhgemus


  • Each year millions of people move from one country to another in search of work
  • The picture is of a country in Africa
  • It has to do with political because people are traveling from one country to another. It is also economic because people have to get jobs in the new country they are living in. And it is social because these are people's lives.
Photo by angela7dreams


  • The international economy has become more globalized through international trade.
  • The picture is of money because economy is money.
  • Trade has been going on for a very long time, country's trade with each other. It affects the people in those countries. Trade makes it so countries can get stuff to make stuff. It's connected to economy.


  • Cultural and economic globalization have caused countries to become more connected politically
  • This picture is of the White House (where out country's president lives)
  • Politics is political topics. It connects to money because countries government is in charge of money. And it connects to social because people live in countries where there is politics
Photo by chrismar


  • It will Help people communicate with each other
  • Aid agencies can respond more quickly to natural disaster
  • It has increased the number of students studying abroad
Photo by gina pina


  • Pollution
  • Less originality
  • It is worried that western culture will destroy local cultures around the world
  • Loss of jobs
Photo by monkeyc.net


  • Connects us to people across the globe
  • Impacts our life today
  • Spread the idea of paper money around the world
  • Now company's are global