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Globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. Globalization results in the expansion of international, cultural, economic and political activities. As people, ideas, knowledge, and goods move more easily around the globe, the experiences of people around the world become more similar. In short, globalization is the spreading of ideas.
Photo by Ludovico Cera

Globalization in History

  • "The Silk Road a trade route between China and the Meditarranean Sea, promoted the exchange of ideas and knowledge, along with trade goods and foods such as silk, spices, porcelain, and other treasures from the east".
  • The image is a map of the Silk Road. I think it's pretty explanatory as to why the image fits.
  • I believe it relates to the economic portion of PERSIA because the trade and exportation of goods affects the economy and has to do with money.


  • "Travel and tourism have made people more familiar with other cultures".
  • I would venture to say that air travel is a very, very common form of international travel, hence the picture.
  • Social because the people who travel to different countries are influenced by those country's cultures and ideas.

Popular Culture

  • "Clothing styles have also become more uniform as a result of globalization. National and regional costumes have become rarer as globalization has increased."
  • As you can see in the picture, clothing has, and will continue to, change. A lot of that has to do with 'who's wearing what' and all of those things are easily spread over the Internet, which is part of globalization.
  • I would venture that pop culture fits very well into social because it has to do with how people interact with each other and that is a big part of pop culture.

Pros of globalization

  • It's easier to support countries who have had a crisis of some sort sooner.
  • As it said in the 'Travel' section of the article, people have become "more familiar with other cultures".
  • The picture symbolizes how people can meet and agreements can be formed through globalization.

Cons of globalization

  • The possibility of losing parts of individual cultures.
  • Losing unique traditions and languages.
  • The image shows how clothing has changed over time(which'll happen anyway, globalization or not) and how we no longer have regional costumes as a common form of dress, such as the bunad in the upper left and how clothing has become more standard throughout the world.