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Globalization Vocab

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  • Definition- the total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year
  • A country wants its GDP to be high because that means there production is increasing as well as incomes which means people are spending more money there so it's also good for economy.
  • I chose this picture because it shows a bunch of successful products that people have created and now are being sold which people will buy and that will keep the companies going it represents the circle.
Photo by Thomas Hawk


  • Definition- all the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country.
  • In my opinion we want are population to be low not dangerously low but not increasing immensely because places are already overpopulated and will continue to become overpopulated which is really bad.
  • I chose this picture because it shows a place where population effects everyone because of how crowded it is it creates a whole new style of living.


  • Definition- the estimated minimum level of income needed to secure he necessities of life
  • You want this high because that means that are living off of more money each day.
  • I chose this picture because it shows how terrible poverty is and why we want these people who are in it to get out of it. So they can have better lives and not live in badly made, not safe homes like this for example.
Photo by Jonas Hansel


  • Definition- the total percentage of the population of an area at a particular time aged seven years or above who can read and write with understanding
  • You want this high everywhere because that would mean that everywhere there is lots of young children with getting a good education and the more people we put into the real world with a good education the better our world is.
  • I chose this picture because it shows young kids getting an education. Each of these young kids are apart of the statistic the more young kids we can educate everywhere the better and the higher the literacy line will be.
Photo by camknows


  • Definition- the average period that a person may expect to live .
  • We want this to be high because that would mean that the average age of death would be very old and that means that medicine is getting better and people are living longer. And shows that we are doing so,watching right because people are stating healthier for longer.
  • I chose this picture because in my eyes it reminds me of a native woman who may not even be that old but has aged fast because where she lives may be poor and make her over work and not eat well enough. If u see it how I see it it's an example of y life expectancy is different everywhere
Photo by Rakesh JV


  • The state of not having a job.
  • You want this to be low because we want as many people as possible to be employed so they can provide for there family's, make money and spend money for it is good for the economy.
  • I chose this picture because this is a result of employment. One of many. It shows how not having a job can lead to homelessness and being unable to provide for yourself.
Photo by khteWisconsin


  • Definition- the number of deaths under one year of age occurring among the live births in a given area during a given year.
  • You want this low!! Each baby has a possible future we should want to provide for because any one of them could change the world. It also will end up relating to the economy. People will spend money on them.
  • I chose this picture because to me it represents the hand it could have one day. One day that baby hand will turn into a big hand and with that will come with memories traditions problems successes and we want to give that to them.
Photo by xlordashx


  • Definition- a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on a greater than normal financial risks in order to do so or make money.
  • I chose this picture because it shows how much hard work they do and how they work with other people To get a goal done
Photo by rawpixel.com

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