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Hop onto your image and head off into the way back time. This is the point from which you need to start brainstorming! Take a picture in your mind of what an aspect of the world would be like if certain events happened. Then use this "what if" to create a story that explains why the natural phenomenon exists. The story can be as fantastic as you want.
For example, think about a pepper grinder. What if there was a chef to the gods who lived in a beautiful green countryside but became upset one day because no one ever complimented his cooking? While wandering around, he sat under one of those beautiful green trees and wished (always be careful what you wish for in a myth) that he could somehow make the gods take notice. And suddenly in front of him was a special pepper grinder that said, "Use me, and you will be noticed." And so the chef took the pepper grinder and used it that evening as he was seasoning the gods' stew. But instead of churning out pepper, it ground out sand — more sand than the chef had ever seen! The sand kept pouring out, completely covering the beautiful green countryside. And thus the desert came into existence.
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Go Back Into The Way Back Time

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Hop onto your image and head off into the way back time. This is the point from which you need to start brainstorming! Take a picture in your mind of what an aspect of the world would be like if certain events happened. Then use this "what if" to create a story that explains why the natural phenomenon exists. The story can be as fantastic as you want.
For example, think about a pepper grinder. What if there was a chef to the gods who lived in a beautiful green countryside but became upset one day because no one ever complimented his cooking? While wandering around, he sat under one of those beautiful green trees and wished (always be careful what you wish for in a myth) that he could somehow make the gods take notice. And suddenly in front of him was a special pepper grinder that said, "Use me, and you will be noticed." And so the chef took the pepper grinder and used it that evening as he was seasoning the gods' stew. But instead of churning out pepper, it ground out sand — more sand than the chef had ever seen! The sand kept pouring out, completely covering the beautiful green countryside. And thus the desert came into existence.


Pick out the natural phenomenon you want to write about.
Make it something that really interests you. If you live in the desert, you might want to think about the way a single rainstorm can cause a flood. If you live in the North, think about the way a snowstorm can cover the ground like an icy blanket. If you live near the ocean, consider the way the tide comes in and out each day. In other words, find something that is familiar that you can observe.
Photo by thebarrowboy


Although dialogue gives voice to the characters, that cannot be all it does. Dialogue is unbreakably tied to the plot and must be essential to the plot. If two characters ramble on about pansies, pansies must be essential to the plot of the story. It isn't enough that the discussion shows the characters are quiet homebodies, it must also move something forward.

Dialogue should not be used to replace action. Many newer writers have all action take place "off stage" and we only know about it because a character thinks about it or talks about it. Imagine if a movie did that. Nothing ever happening on the screen but two people sitting in chairs and talking at one another - boring!!
Photo by thebarrowboy