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Go Canucks!

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Vancouver Canucks vs Montreal Canadien

Samuel Poon, Daniel Tse, Derek Huang and Sheldon Chen
Photo by Mafue

The Montreal Canadiens and Vancouver Canucks are different, but share many similarities.

Photo by Mafue

Similarites: they both wear blue on some part of their respective jerseys. Also, both have been in the NHL for over 46 years, they have both have won more than 9 division pennants.

Photo by catechism

Other Similarities between the Montreal Canadiens and Vancouver Canucks.

They are both Canadian hockey teams and have professional hockey players.

Photo by Anirudh Koul

Differences between the Montreal Canadien and the Vancouver Canucks.
Although they have many of similarities, they still have a lot of differences. First, the Montreal Canadien won 24 Stanley while Vancouver Canucks won none of them. t divisions.

Photo by miss604

Other Differences: The Canadiens are an original 6 team, while the Canucks are a expansion team made in the '70s. Also, the Canadiens have never won a presidents trophy, while the Canucks have 2.