a SMART goal is one that is specific, measurable, achievable, time bound, realistic, and specific. A smart goal is important because it will give you a clear look on how you will achieve this goal and when you will achieve the goal. It will also give you extra motivation to do this goal.
A short term goal is a goal that you believe you can get done in less than a year, these include taking a class, saving up money, or writing a resume. A long term goal is a goal that takes more than a year to complete.These include graduating from college, saving for retirement, or having your own business.
A need is something that you cannot go without, these include food, water, and water. Wants are often mixed up with needs because people think they need the new Iphone or the new galaxy. If you can live without it then its a need, if you simply want it than its a want. you can live without a TV, you cant live without a meal and a roof over your head
this unit should have very helpful for many. To find out the best way for you to learn could be very helpful during the stressful years of high school. The learning styles are visual, audio, and tactical learning. and each are different ways of learning and are used by all different ways.
a visual learner learns best when he/she see's the problem being done. when they watch you do it then they can duplicate what you did and learn off what they saw. The people that use this way of learning usually have good memory.
An audio learner depends on hearing and speaking as a main way of learning often have difficulty with instructions that are drawn. Audio leaners use their listening and repeating skills to their advantage.
People that are tactile learning need to do it in order to learn it. They like to experience doing it. these type of people can learn very complicated instruction if they do it themselves.
this unit was to learn how to make the better decision when it comes time to make a decision. It also taught us to always keep your head up in every situation, always have good self esteem. You cant accomplish anything if you don't believe that you can do it. Same goes in this unit, you got to believe in yourself no matter what.
Identify the decision, gather information, identify the alternatives, weigh the evidence, choose from alternatives, take action, review the decision. For some decisions these steps could be crucial. Some people just look at one alternative and get excited and take it right away. you have to make sure that you saw every single alternative that could be make.
I thought this part of the unit should have taught every one the most out of the other things because having good self esteem is one of the keys to being able to do anything, you have to feel good about yourself and believe in what you are doing if you want to do anything. People with poor self esteem often rely on how they are doing in the present to determine how they feel about themselves.
This unit taught us how to manage our time wisely. This is not very important now but when we are older we should look this all back over because when you have a family and a full time job it isn't easy to manage your time wisely because you have to find time after working every day and try to find time for your children and wife. It also taught us how to be less stressed, how to get a grip on thing and not to stress over it.
steps of managing time wisely is to complete important task before everything, learn to say no, sleep 7-8 hours, devote all time into what you are doing right now, get an early start on things, and more. The more steps that you take to manage your time wisely the more free time you have for your family or to watch your favorite TV show.
To get good study skills could release some stress from you because you will get better grades and also it will make you not stress about having a test the next day. A good way of getting better at studying is to create your ideal study space, get everything you need before you sit down (pencils, books, ext), and lastly to avoid all distractions. Turn off the TV don't listen to music and just do your thing.
a clutter personality is simply categories that are how you act towards things. Some are hoarders who like to have stuff even though it isn't needed, a perfectionist is someone who needs to have everything perfect, the deferrer is someone who leaves stuff to the last minute, the rebel is someone who doesnt listen to directions and likes to do stuff his own way. The sentimentalist is someone who likes to create scrap books and like to take pictures of everything.
Crisis management is a really serious unit because its stuff that unfortunately happens a lot. It's a stage of life that happens to 1/3 people and its depression and which in some cases leads to suicide. And in this unit we learn coping strategies which help us deal with things that isn't easy for some of us.
Depression is feelings of severe despondency and dejection. it is a serious thing that happens in the brain that affect peoples health and how they think of stuff. Before i took this class I thought that depression was just a phase people went through to feel sorry for themselves but after taking this class and doing a project on it I can say that depression is a serious problem that people go through and need help with.
Suicide is the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally. Nearly 30,000 Americans commit suicide every year. Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15 to 24 year olds and 2nd for 24 to 35 year olds. Suicide is triggered by past experiences like being sexually assaulted or being depressed.
Coping skills are methods a person uses to deal with stressful situations. Examples are reading a book or eating. They are activities that help you get through things.
This unit we learned about different types of communication (non verbal and verbal) and we learned about gossip which is very popular in the teen years. and also conservative vs destructive communication.
verbal is speaking, when you have a conversation with the english language you are using verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is when there is no speaking, this can be done with sign language or writing what you want to say on a piece of paper
Gossip is when people make up rumors about people and talk bout people behind their back. This causes a lot of stress to people when it is about them. Gossip is very common in high school.
conservative communication uses Imessages other than youmessages. Destructive communication uses blaming, interrupting, and there's endless fighting. conservative communicating uses questions, clarity, and reflective listening.
this unit was absolutely crucial to us because we are getting to the time that we should begin dating. This unit taught us about unhealthy and healthy relationships and also taught us some dating characteristics.
Healthy relationships include good communication, treat each others with respect, feel heard when exchanging feelings towards each other, and speaking openly. Just because there are fights don't mean that it isn't a healthy relationship, every relationship will have it's ups and downs but if the fights translate to domestic abuse than it is not a healthy relationship.
Dating characteristics is the things that you are looking for in your partner. These could include maturity, honesty, a sense of humor, or it could be affection.
signs of an unhealthy relationships are loss of affection or when your partner doesn't seem interested in what you are looking ahead to. An unhealthy relationship could include domestic violence and if it does than he/she should get out of that relationship because it will only get worse from there.
All this year we have learned some good things but i think the time management unit was the most needed because like i said before when you get a job and a family you have to measure out what you are doing that day to open up space for your family and to work a full time job and still have time for your wife or your husband. Or like i said before maybe just to watch your favorite TV show. I think to worst was the Goal setting unit because we have learned about goals since 7th grade and if you make a goal you know how to do it and when to do it already. Im sure it helped some of us but it didn't hit me as good as the rest of the class. Overall this class was well needed for most of us because it teaches us the basics of the big things of life and stuff all us might go through and how to help people if they are in a situation or just simply how to help yourself if you fall into a hole and don't know how to crawl yourself out.