
Published on Oct 03, 2017

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 System Change
Photo by MTSOfan

Goal 1: Teacher Development

Teachers need support

  • over the last few years our board has seen an influx of newcomers, and teachers need professionallearning to facilitate the reception and learning of ELLs
  • currently some are resentful having ELLS integrated into regular classrooms

Goal 2: Cultural Integration of ELLs

CreatE a welcoming culture

  • We don't know what we don't know. To that end, it is important to work with teachers so they understand the cultural nuances that their students bring to their learning, and to make sure that all students see themselves reflected in the halls and school activities

Goal 3: Community Connections

Photo by qthomasbower

It Takes a Village

  • Currently we do not have any formal partnerships with community organizations, and this is a need. There are supportive agencies that can assist with the reception, initial assessment and support of our newcomers. I would like to reach out to the City, the Local Immigration Network, The Multicultural Club, and the YMCA to start.

Goal 4: Responsive Structure

Programmaing Models

  • Currently we are working with the itinerant model, but more and more we see a need for an ESL/ELD class at the high school level. Funding and staffing are issues as students are spread throughout 10 high schools. In the elementary panel, we do not have on true ESL/ELD class, which we are now seeing the need for as refugees settle here.

Goal 5: Assessment and Program Planning for ELLs

Understanding Assessment and Profiles

  • Especially at the secondary level there is room for a deeper understanding of accommodations and modifications, how to apply these with STEP levels in mind, and the impact on assessment & achievement
  • Understanding of appropriate and necessary scaffolds to move students from level to level is also needed
  • Tracking of assessments over time so that the ELL profile is a living, dynamic document will help with assessment planning as sell

Final Thoughts

Challenges ahead

Budget, time, willingness

  • There is no resistance about the need for better infrastructure for ELLs, but there must exist a combination of financial commitment and teacher passion to make these changes take hold
  • If we don't build capacity in our classroom teachers, we will continue to meet resentment about having ELLs integrated
  • Financially, it is hard to allot one staff member (or more) to a small class of learners
  • Suggesting a hub school for ELLs until better infrastructure is in place is a political hot button at the Board level

Personal Goals

Photo by highersights

What AM I hoping to get out of this course?

  • examples of successful models of ESL/ELD classrooms, hub schools and itinerant support
  • a deeper understanding of best practices in regular classrooms with ELLs that are cognitively demanding yet not too challenging
  • inspiration from other passionate colleagues about how to implement positive change
  • examples of effective tracking of assessment over time for ELLs
  • internationalization ideas (for schools, content areas and classrooms)

Melanie Bertrand

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