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Gogol's Russia

Published on Nov 29, 2015

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Gogol's Russia

19th Century Russia and "The Nose"

Nikolai Gogol

Europe: 18th Century

Europe: 19th Century

Moscow closer to NYC than farthest corners of empire

European Class Structure

  • Clear social classes:
  • King | Emperor | Czar
  • Clergy | Christian
  • Nobility
  • Merchants and Peasants

Class System

  • didn't work
  • Strictly enforced
  • Similar to most European states


  • Christian leaders
  • Spec.: Russian Orthodox
  • Bishops, Deacons, Priests


  • Political rulers
  • wealthiest and held power
  • Czar (emperor) + family
  • Prince + princess
  • Counts + Barons

Industrial Revolution
saw the creation of
a "middle class"

Industrial Revolution

  • Rise in the use of machines to complete labor
  • created new jobs for this middle class
  • people required education to secure job
  • young boys placed into schools

Middle Class

  • Commoners with no power
  • Upper Middle: Bourgeoisie
  • Some wealth; ate regularly
  • educated


  • lowest and poorest
  • serfs until 1861
  • chimney sweeps
  • prostitutes
  • beggars

symbol of class
Peasants: rags
Others: silk, lace, etc.

based on class
valued science + math
reserved for males

Social Life

  • Upper classes
  • parties and dinners
  • Maly + Bolshoi Theatres
  • Poetry readings, etc.

obsessed with class

concerned about one's status

suspension of disbelief

Gogol's magical realism

obsessed with class

concerned about one's station