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Going Out With A Bang

Published on Dec 11, 2015

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Going Out With A Bang

Brittany Runnels

It was the last home and volleyball was almost over for all of the seniors.

When the game started we were pumped up and ready to go.

Even though we lost we stayed pumped up and continued to fight so we would win.

Photo by nooccar

During the second game we never really played to our best ability and ended up losing the second game also.

Photo by Tezza #

We walked around the net with our heads hung because we had already lost the first two games.

Photo by l o r i z

After winning the third game, we became excited because we knew we could still win the match.

After fighting through the last two games and winning, we were ready to donimate.

Filled with fire, we came into the final game with the mindset that we were going to donimate

We won our last home game ever and even had the best come back ever.