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Published on Nov 19, 2015

A science project about the element gold.



By Ben Johnson
Photo by Claudio.Ar

Gold is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word for the element."Aurum" is Latin for gold and the origin of it's symbol on the periodic table of elements.


  • The chemical symbol for gold is "Au".
  • The average atomic weight of gold is about 197.0
  • Gold has 2 valance electrons.
  • Gold atomic number is 79.
Photo by widatama

More properties

  • Gold is i group 11, period 6, and block D on the periodic table of elements.
  • Other elements with like properties include copper and silver.
Photo by Domiriel

Gold is mainly found in South Africa. Other places where gold is common are South Dakota and Nevada.

Photo by betta design

People use gold to make jewelry and electrical components.

Photo by jsj1771

Gold is used to make jewelry because of its color and malleability

Photo by Elsie esq.

Some delicate electrical components use gold for its electrical conductibility.

Photo by TextureX.com

Gold compounds

  • Gold chloride is a naturally ocuuring compound gold forms.
  • Cholorauric acid is a man made gold compound
  • Gold is relatively non-reactive with other elements. It does however form more compounds.

Gold has been in use for about 5,000+ years. The exact location and date of its discovery is unknown.

Photo by JwvanEck

Gold can be purified trough the use of chemicals or through the use of heat.

Photo by Ennor

Fun fact: gold is known as the King of Metals.