Google Apps for Education
Why is GAFE important for the 1 to 1 initiative?
- Online Textbooks
- Google extensions and apps
- Canvas
- Work Creation
- Collaboration
Why is it important to roll out GAFE as soon as possible?
- Infrastructure tested for BAFA pilot.
- Teacher accessibility to become familiar.
- Rumors are spreading that it is established.
- Begin training for 1 to 1 pilot.
- Teachers are begging for it.
How will we communicate with staff about GAFE?
Alleviate confusion about GAFE and Microsoft 365
Professional Development
- focus first on BAFA staff
- Tech Tuesday
- PD elementary > middle
- Litts and cross district events
Is GAFE Required to be used by all staff?
Educate students GAFE
- Students will be given instructions through class
- Educators will go over policy and appropriate use
- This will become another procedure to teaching and learning
- Students will follow curent technology use policy
Do we have policy in place?
Can parents access student accounts?
Preparing our staff for Gafe questions
Educational Technology Shift