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Google's 9 Principles of Innovation

Published on Nov 21, 2015

What is the core philosophy that helps make Google a giant in our economic sphere? Here is a summary of their nine pillars of innovation. How can these be modified and supported to fit educational objectives?



9 Principles of Innovation - Google

#1 - Innovation Comes from Anywhere

  • ideas can come from anyone in organization
  • distributed leadership creates opportunities
Photo by Photolifer

#2 - Focus on the User

  • Differentiation & Personalization
  • Who are school users?

#3 - Aim to be 10 times better

  • Incremental gains produce menial results.
  • Strive for meaningful, relevant change.

#4 - Bet on Technical Insights

  • Experience and expertise are esteemed
  • Time & resources dedicated to growth
Photo by CanadianAEh

#5 - Ship and Iterate

  • Rapid ideation, deliver, and solicit improvement

#6 - Give Employees 20% Time

  • Time for exploration of passion
  • Time dedicated to knowledge acquisition

#7 - Default to OPen Processes

  • Networks provide synchronous learning
  • Networks also provide asynchronous opportunities

#8 - Fail Well

  • Embrace willingness to take risks
  • Develop grit and resiliency
  • First - Attempt - In - Learning

#9 - Have a mission that Matters

  • Daily progress towards a living vision
  • Forward leaning, culturally innovative 
Photo by wildphotons