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Published on Dec 03, 2015

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Henry Rosenblum

Meet the Gorilla

A gorilla is a mammal with long arms and short legs. It has gray hairs on its back if it is the oldest in the family. A gorilla has a black poofy head.

Photo by Edgar Barany

Where Gorillas Live

Gorillas live in Uganda, Rwanda, and Zaire. That is in Africa. They live in the rain forest. They make nests to live in.

Photo by p-damp

What Gorillas Eat

A gorilla does not eat that many types of food, but it eats a lot. They like bananas, bugs, and leaves.

Photo by Harlequeen

A Gorilla's Life Cycle

A baby gorilla is called
a juvenile from three to six years old. Seven to nineteen years is an adolescence. And then it is in adulthood. Gorillas live to be about fifty years old.

Photo by geichhorn

Fun Facts About the Gorilla

If a predater comes too close too a gorilla family then a gorilla will stand up and beat it's chest to scare it away.