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Published on May 05, 2016

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Author Lois Lowry, Presented by Elizabeth Schneider
Photo by m_shipp22


  • Littlest One/Gossamer
  • Thin Elderly
  • Elderly Lady
  • John
  • Toby
  • Fastidious
Characters. Littlest one is the main character she Is a dream giver in training. Thin Elderly is Littlest One's teacher. The elderly lady is taken care if by Kittlest one and thin elderly, she also is the foster parent of John.
John is a foster child who is taken care of by littlest one.
Fastidious was littlest One's old teacher. Toby is the elderly lady's dog.
Photo by Studiomill


  • Fantasy creature /ghost like
  • Gentle
  • Playful
  • Young
  • Caring
  • Curios
Littlest on Traits. I am a transparent fantasy creature. I am very gentle. For an example I carefully touch objects with good memories on them. I am playful because I am still young but I grow up quickly. I am very caring, because when John was weak I strengthened him so he would not be tortured by the nightmares. And finally I am curios I love to learn new things.
Photo by fikirbaz


  • Small Town
  • Elderly Lady's House
  • The Heap
  • Late 1800's
Settings. The settings in the book Gossamer is in the time period late 1800s are The small town, The elderly lady's house, the heap (where littlest one lives).

Rising Action

  • John moves
  • Littlest One gets new teacher
  • Littlest One learns to give dreams
Rising Action. The rising action event are when john the foster child goes to the elderly lady's house. Another event is when Littlest one receives a new teacher thin elderly. The final rising action event is when Littlest on learns to give dreams.


  • Littlest One gathers good memories
  • Littlest One saves the boy
Climax. The climax is when littlest one gathers tons of good dreams to give to the boy to strengthen him/ save his life.

Fantasy Elements

  • Characters with magical powers
  • Things with magical powers
  • fantastic creatures or characters in real situations
Fantasy elments.
Some fantasy elments of my Book Gossamer are...
Fonts like are The dream makers like me, Iteams with dream material, and Nightmare makers.


  • Give eveyone a chance
Theme. I think the theme is give everyone a chance because, fastidious gossamer's old teacher never gave Littlest One a chance to grow up/ change.
Photo by kevin dooley

My Favorite Part of The Book

  • Little Ones receives a new name
  • Littlest One recives a new baby
My favorite part of the book is when littlest one revives her new name ΅Gossamer". Also my favorite part of the book is when Littlest One revives the new Littlest One to teach.
Photo by nexus6


  • four dreams rating
  • Because of unique topic
Rating. I rate this book a four dreams, because the topic dreams was a very unique topic, but also was hard to follow because it is hard to describe, and because it is hard to learn about.
Photo by Ale Márquez