Research: Bangladesh NGOs
Organizational Cultures
- a set of values and norms which are constructed within an organization
- ideational processes
David Lewis, p. 122
- the idea of studying organizations as communities
Organizational Ethnography
Things to Examine:
- taken-for-granted assumptions
- power relations
- Western discourses
The Johns Hopkins Center for Civil Society Studies
NEW! Explaining Civil Society Development: A Social Origins Approach
NEW! Nonprofit Works Interactive Database
New Frontiers of Philanthropy & Leverage for Good
U.S. Nonprofit Jobs Report
Nonprofit Values Report
16-Country Comparative Data Report
36-Country Data Tables
Global Civil Society Index
Volunteering Measurement Manual
America’s Nonprofit Sector: A Primer
The State of Nonprofit America
Canada - size of sector (standard and actual)
NGOs Studies, Lewis, p. 124
- the management of ambiguity
- paralysis / innovation
- egalitarian relationships
- informal roles
- North / South NGOs
Lewis, p. 126: Many development NGOs seek to build an internal organizational culture and a way of working that can reflect, and is appropriate to, the values of strenthening social justice ....
while at the same time they are seeking to manage complex cross-cultural encounters both within their organizations ... and between themselves and their clients, since organizational success depends on working with diverse communiities
Concerns over accountability, effectiveness, credibility and viability of NGOs, p. 97
Voluntary boards must perform well with rise in public skepticism
Governance: ongoing process in institutions by which guidelines for action are developed and adherence to them is monitored; includes ideas about moral and legal accountability and organizational legitimacy (usually distinguished from executive work) system
Key element in the development and maintenance of civil society
3 Problems of Boards
- Autonomy
- Relationship with executive
- Composition
Board-Staff Relationships
- Hourglass metaphor
- Board Chair + Executive Director
Subscription to Grant Connect
BCIT Fundraising Management
Fundraising readings
- "Somebody sent me a fridge magnet once."
- 1% return on direct mail = 1% success
- 43% letters started: "Thank you for....."
- Why Donors Give.....
- Major Gift Solicitation Script