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Government Corruption

Published on Nov 25, 2015

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Government Corruption

Photo by Teppono

Way too many laws and rules

In the story the author states "211th, 212th, and 213th amendments to the constitution". 213 or more laws in the constitution is way too many. The author states that to give the tone of an extremely corrupt and strict government.
Photo by space_monkey


The government is so corrupt, that members of parliament are willing to kill, in order to maintain power and control over the people. The author is using the tone of a killer to describe the handicap general.
Photo by TehLonz

Equality at a ridiculously low level of opportunity

The laws of equality in this story are destroying mentally and physically strong people instead of helping the non-mentally and physically sting people. Kurt Vonnegut displays this by explaining the ways that the corrupt government is disabling perfectly able people. (e.g.)"They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking that anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else."
Photo by Franco Folini

Mind Control

I think the author is kind of giving us hints and trying to tell us that the government is controling the minds of the people. By using the ear handicaps, the government is making sure that they don't over think anything and know what is really going on. The people can't remember what they were thing about, and the people that aren't smart enough to focus on something for very long won't know what is really going on anyways. If no one knows whats going on, the the government has complete control of what the people know.
Photo by illuminaut