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Governmental Systems Vocabulary

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The following are all different types of government that countries use to carry out the three goals of government.
Photo by Justin in SD

Democracy:​ A form of government where the citizens hold the power. Making choices themselves or choosing representatives to make choices for them.

I chose this picture because just like soda machines, we get to decide who and/or what we want.
Photo by Lisa Padilla

Direct Democracy: ​A form of government where the citizens vote on all of the decisions made by government.

I chose this picture because it portrays that there’s no race, just a start and a finish. It’s similar to direct democracy because the citizens don’t elect a representative, they go straight to the “finish line”.

Parliamentary Democracy: ​A form of government where citizens elect representatives to make decisions for them, and the representatives elect someone to carry out the decisions.

I chose this picture because in Canada they have a parliamentary democracy.

Presidential Democracy:​ A form of government where the citizens elect representatives and elect the person who will carry out the decisions.

I chose this picture because Obama was the former president of our presidential democracy.
Photo by jamesomalley

Monarchy:​ A system of government where one person is born into the role of making all of the decisions for a nation (king or queen).

The United Kingdom is led by the monarchy system.
Photo by Chris Lawton

Dictatorship: ​A system of government where one person controls the decision making through the military and police.

I chose this picture because Togo is one of the many countries controlled by dictatorship.

Theocracy: ​A government that is headed by religious leaders.

As church sign says “one nation still under God”, this church believes that God is the leader of their country.
Photo by Lou FCD

Single-Party State: ​A nation where by law only one political party is allowed to rule.

There are 10 states that are led by a single party and China is one of them.


The following are all systems governments use to distribute power.

Unitary​: A political system where all power is controlled by one central government.

France, Spain, The United Kingdom are countries with a unitary government.
Photo by Vasnic64

Federal:​ A political system where power is shared between one central and local governments.

In the United States, there are 3 branches of the government. Legislative, executive and federal.

Confederal:​ A political System where power is mainly controlled by local governments.

The UN is a confederate organization.
Photo by isriya


The following are all economic systems that countries use to buy and sell things.
Photo by frankieleon

Market Economy:​ An economic system that relies on markets to control the price of goods and services.

I chose this picture because this woman works at a market and the market economy depends on marketers including her.
Photo by TaylorMiles

Command: ​An economic system where the government controls the prices of goods and services.

This picture shows an artist making his art is the way he wants it. Just like the command economic system, where the government get to decide the prices the way they want.
Photo by zoetnet

Mixed:​ An economic system where the government controls some of the prices of goods and services.

I chose this chart because the government doesn’t control all of the prices of goods and services and this chart portrays that the citizens control more.