Grade 6 Student Achievement, Implications for school community

Published on Jul 15, 2018

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Grade 6 Student Achievement: Implications for school community

RISE Education Campus K-8, July 2018
Photo by Nathan Dumlao

Student Achievement (16-17, 17-18)

  • iReady (math)
  • EWI (intervention)
  • Access (ELL)
  • ANET (ELA)
  • RI (ELA)
  • PARCC (math/ELA)
  • CSP Goals
  • Student Work Samples (ELA, MATH, SS)

Student Achievement: secondary sources

  • Attendance
  • Suspensions
  • Interviews: Student, teacher, staff, community
  • IMPACT trends
  • PD history
  • Insight Data: teachers, students
  • CSP Goals (2-3 years)
  • Teacher Retention

How are the students?

Photo by rgieseking

Trends & Patterns

  • math is trending upwards
  • pockets of bright spots among subgroups
  • semester 2 trends downward
  • uneven growth among student subgroups

Math Achievement

Photo by rgieseking

PARCC MATH Proficiency % 15-16, 16-17

Current grade 6 students have demonstrated a steady increase from grade 4 to grade 5. We are awaiting the grade 6 results of PARCC.

The work that Dr. Areli Sanchez- Macondo pushed the staff to do may have planned a role in producing better math scores.

PARCC MATH Proficiency % 15-16, 16-17

MATH: i-READY Proficiency % 16-17, 17-18

ELL Student Achievement

Photo by rgieseking

6th Grade vs 6th Grade ELL Proficiency Reading Inventory (RI) 17-18

ELL Language Proficiency % Among Current Gr 6: ACCESS

PARCC ELA Proficiency % Among ELL 15-16, 16-17

Current grade 6 students have demonstrated a steady increase from grade 4 to grade 5. We are awaiting the grade 6 results of PARCC.

Other Bright Spots in Student Achievement

Photo by rgieseking

RI Growth 17-18

RI decrease in "below" 17-18

Shifts from 1st to 2nd Semester

Photo by rgieseking

EWI Students "on target" 17-18

ANET Performance Grade 6, 17-18


  • Math Instruction, coaching, budget
  • Student work samples: recall, listing, identification
  • Three themes student achievement, climate, staff morale

Questions & next steps

  • Grades 5, 6 do not appear to have an ELL teacher. What supports exist?
  • What type of experience do teachers have working with ELL population?
  • What is going on in the classroom and instruction to support ELL students?
  • How are students experiencing support across all content areas?
A secondary analysis will allow us to begin digging into the "why" behind what we're seeing and to further refine theories about trends. Secondary data sources will strengthen or dismiss existing pattern/trend observations for a more complete story of student achievement.
Photo by Emile Séguin

Questions & next steps

  • What have been teacher-level, grade-level and school-wide focus areas and related performance (TAS, PD, CSP 14-15, 15-16)?
  • What is the nature of student tasks (questions, assignments) within content?
  • Why is math coaching is taking place during ELA?
  • Student work samples demonstrate low level tasks. Seek out a broader sample.
Photo by Emile Séguin

armandina macias

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