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Graffiti: Art or Vandalism

Published on Jan 23, 2017

Should graffiti be viewed as art or vandalism?


Graffiti: Art or Vandalism?

What is art?

Art is an expression or application of creative skills and imagination, in a visual form such as paintings. They are works to be appreciated mainly for their beauty and/or emotional power.
Photo by Leo Reynolds

What is vandalism?

Vandalism is an action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property.
Photo by Hatters!

Graffiti should be viewed as art rather than vandalism

Photo by Still Moments

Just like other forms of art, graffiti is capable of expressing the artist's stance or emotions on any given topic or issue.

In addition, people use graffiti as a way to expose their work to the world.

Photo by zubrow

First Modern Graffiti

The graffiti we now know today first appeared on the side of a New York subway train.Graffiti started out as the artist incorporating their name in a unique way, whether it be different designs or colors and how they contrasted.
Photo by DrGarageland

Slowly, graffiti evolved into something more.

Graffiti artists began to put more time and effort into their art. A little scribble on the side of a subway train grew into a giant mural on the side of a building.

People use graffiti as a way to speak their minds and share their opinions with the world. They are looking for a way to get discovered, which is something that is hard to do nowadays.

The main problem people have with graffiti is where it is done.

People believe there's a better way to get your work out to the world rather than destructing property.

Depending on the place where the artist chooses to do graffiti, it can greatly damage the property value. This causes unnecessary stress to the property owner, and the clean-up costs are not cheap. In fact, graffiti clean ups cost the government millions a year (Rahn).

Although this is true, most artists do their works on the sides of abandoned buildings. Some even risk getting injured to display their art on a blank billboard. Few graffiti artists blindly tag an occupied house or a marketplace. However, many view graffiti not as the art it is, but as a crime.
Photo by futureshape

Why do people have to write on buildings to get their point across?

People say that street artists are ruining the buildings they are drawing on. There are other places to put your work out on. They say an artist can start a blog to write out their opinions or find some other way to express their art.

But graffiti is known for the way artists execute their works of art. It wouldn't be graffiti if it wasn't for the spray cans and the unique canvases. Personally, feel that graffiti is beautiful, and it gives life to a city.
Photo by duncan

"After all, if graffiti really were nothing more than vandalism, it would neither be so attractive nor so objectionable to so many people." (Beato)

Some people believe that graffiti is a waste of time, money, and materials. However, many street artists have gained fame and recognition based on their artistic ability. Many of them would not have been given the opportunity to share their work with the world if it hadn't been for the streets. A perfect example of this is Keith Haring.

"Keith Haring's 'graffiti' art gained national acclaim and attention during the 1980's when
his works, previously created on buildings or sidewalks, began selling in galleries." (Haring)

In 1979, Keith Haring walked into a subway station and was inspired by the graffiti that surrounded him. He started out by using chalk on the sidewalk, but eventually grew into the typical spray cans on the side of a building. As his skills improved, people grew to love his works of art, so much that it started selling in galleries. Keith Haring's story proves that there are unknown artists out in the world only trying to share their work. By using graffiti in places like a sidewalk to spread his name, he became a famous artist, who may have never gotten the break he deserved.

Graffiti is art.

Many may argue that graffiti is a form of vandalism. However, there is a better way to go about graffiti in a more legal manner. Graffiti offers artists the chance to express themselves by using the city as their canvas.

Artists should be given this chance by city officials. Many city officials today are already starting this by paying artists to paint murals in the form of graffiti. By doing so, they discourage other artists from tagging and ruining a piece of art. Graffiti should be appreciated as the form of art it is rather than destruction of property.
Photo by zebtron

Works Cited

  • Beato, Greg. "Spray paint the walls: graffiti, art, and advertising." Reason, Aug.-Sept. 2011, p. 68+. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,
  • "Keith Haring." UXL Biographies, UXL, 2011. Research in Context,
  • Rahn, Janice. "Hip-Hop Graffiti Is a Significant American Art Form." Rap Music and Culture, edited by Kate Burns, Greenhaven Press, 2008. Current Controversies. Opposing Viewpoints in Context,
Photo by JD Hancock