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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by euthman

What is mononucleosis?-
Mononucleosis is the high proportion of monocytes in the blood.

What are the symptoms of mononucleosis?-
There is fatigued ness, and weakness for the first month. There's also high fever, swollen tonsils, or glands, or your spleen could burst open causing terrible pain.

How is mononucleosis contracted?-
You can get mononucleosis by kissing others. Also through mucus and saliva.

Is mononucleosis contagious?-
Yes Mononucleosis is contagious because if you kiss someone or sneeze on someone then there is a 50% chance that they can get it too.

Photo by enggul

How many cases where there of mono in the U.S. In 2013?-
About 95% of adults have had mononucleosis in the us in 2013.

Do children get mono? How many children have mono?-
About 50% percent of children under five or a teenagers has mononucleosis.

How is mononucleosis treated?-
Mononucleosis is treated by getting plenty of bed rest. And also to drink plenty of cold drinks and cold desserts.

Is there a cure for mononucleosis?-
There is no cure for mononucleosis so people just need to get plenty of bed rest.

Photo by *Pasha*