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Gratitude Prayer

Published on Jan 09, 2016

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Jasmin Horsten

Introductory prayer
Dear God, help us to taste life to the fullest and not take any part of it for granted.To seek to forgive others for their wrong-doings, and to put the past behind. To find ways to reach out and help those in need while also preserving their dignity and self-worth. To search for and to see the good in others rather than remembering their faults and weaknesses. To be as loving and caring as possible. To remember to say ‘thank you’ for whatever comes as a gift from another. We ask this through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

Prayers Of Intercession Dear God we live in a country with abundant gifts, but many are not so fortunate. We pray for those who do not have (eg clean water, enough food, shelter). May we work towards justice by sharing some of what we have been given. Lord Hear Us
Response : Lord, hear our prayer
,Dear God we pray for those who are suffering, especially those affected by the bushfires down south, those loosing homes and animals
Dear God, we pray for those in need especially those who do not have enough water
and food to survive.

Im grateful for...

Concluding Prayer
Ever present God, whose desire is that we have life in all its fullness, help us to recognise and be grateful for the blessings of our lives. May we strive to be open to and receive the gifts of each day. May we cultivate these gifts responsibly and share them lovingly with others. We make this prayer in the name of Jesus your son. Amen.