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Great Depression

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Great Depression

Economic crisis beginning with the stock market crash. 

GrEat Depession

  • Black Tuesday, October 29,1929
  • Stock Prices plummeted
  • People were trying to sell
  • No one was buying

Financial collapse

Late 1920's, American economic prosperity sustained the world economy

Financial collapse

  • Uneven distribution of wealth
  • Over production by business/agriculture
  • Americans were buying for less

Stock market crashes

In 1929, New York City's Wall Street 

Stock market crashes

  • Banks/Investments lined its side-walkes
  • Many middle-class began to buy margin
  • Thursday, October 1929, panic resulted.
  • Then on Tuesday, October 1929 -
  • A record of 16 million stocks were sold

Unemployment rate


World Trade


NEw deal

Franklin D. Roosevlet 

New deal

  • Roosevelt began this for government reform 
  • He provided jobs for unemployed 
  • Financial help to farms and businesses 
  • Large amounts were spent on welfare/ relief programs
  • Roosevelt believe this would create jobs and start a new recovery




  • America decided to go into the war
  • This got the unemployment rate down
  • Also got america out of the great depression