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Greek & Roman Philosophers

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Greek & Roman

Photo by Lawrence OP

Pre Socrates

Photo by bencrowe


  • 570 - 490 BCE
  • Greek Philosopher & mathematician
  • Pythagoreanism brotherhood
  • Blend of music & math
  • Much of Western philosophy seen as derived from

Zeno of Elea

  • 5th century BCE
  • Known for paradoxes
  • Achilles Paradox
  • Dichotomy Paradox - Race course
  • The arrow Time Paradox


  • 470 - 399 BCE
  • Controversial figure - hemlock
  • Father of western philosophy
  • Socratic questioning
  • Every major school of thought begun by one of his students.
Photo by crlsblnc


  • 427 - 347 BCE
  • Student of Socrates
  • Started an academy (first university)
  • Know for the “Republic”
  • An exploration of the “soul of a nation”
Photo by vintagedept


  • 384 - 322 BCE
  • Student of Plato
  • Development of logic
  • Added to biology, ethics and aesthetics
  • The Lyceum - centre of learning
  • 31/200 works survived
  • Organon - logical tool kit
  • Metaphysical works
Photo by jennybach


  • Epicurus 341 - 271 BCE
  • Considered father of atomic theory
  • Rejected Platos forms and immaterial soul
  • Tranquility via limiting desires and banishing fear
Photo by hans zwitzer


  • Debated skeptics and epicureans
  • Painted porch
  • Greece to Rome
  • A practice of virtue is needed for happiness
  • Everyday philosophy
Photo by mharrsch


  • Avoid making truth claims
  • No final truths
  • Criticized as being dogmatic
Photo by jurvetson

Tell me about Marcus Aurelius.

Photo by euthman