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Greek Trading Cards

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by Nikos Niotis


  • Symbols- lyre, laurel, wreath, Python, Raven, bow and arrows
  • Relationships son of Zeus And Leto, the twin brother of Artemis, the father of Aristaeus, Asclepius and Troilus
  • Fact 1- Apollo taught men medicine he is often referred to as "The Healer"
  • Fact 2- Apollo is the Greek god of the sun, light, music and prophecy
  • Fact 3- the wolf and dolphin are scared to Apollo


  • Symbol- spindle, scroll, globe and shears
  • Relationships- none
  • Fact 1- the three sisters control destiny and life
  • Fact 2- Clotho was the one who would spin the thread of life. Lachesis would measure the thread of life and determined how long someone lived.Atropos choose who died by cutting the thread of life with her shears
  • Fact 3- the Moirai controlled the destiny of mortals and gods alike


  • Symbols- cornucopia, wheat, torch and bread
  • Relationships- mother of Persephone, sister of Zeus, Hades, Hera, Chiron, Hestra and Poseidon
  • Fact 1- Demeter is the goddess of harvest
  • Fact 2- the torch is often represented in connection with Demeter because of her search of Persephone
  • Fact 3- Demeter showed man the art of growing and using corn
Photo by Pilar Torres


  • Symbol- lyre
  • Relationships- the husband of Eurydice, the son of Oeagrus and the muse of calliope
  • Fact 1- Orpheus went on a journey to the underworld to get his bride Eurydice
  • Fact 2- when Orpheus sings and plays his lyre everyone around him is charmed by his music
  • Fact 3- Orpheus charmed Hades and made him cry because Hades loved the music
Photo by sofi01


  • Symbols- the olive, spears, serpent, and An owl
  • Relationships- daughter of Zeus, sister of Artemis, Aphrodite, the muses, the graces, Ares, Apollo, Dionysus, Hebe, Hermes, Heracles, Helen of Troy, Hephaestus, Minos, Perseus and Porus
  • Fact 1- Athena was Zeus' favorite child and she was allowed to use his weapons
  • Fact 2- Athena is the goddess of wisdom and war
  • Fact 3- Athena has no mother she came out of Zeus' forehead full grown and in armor
Photo by lentina_x


  • Symbol- dolphin, rose, scallop shell, myrtle, dove, sparrow, girdle, mirror and swan
  • Relationships- her parents are Zeus and Dione or Uranus, her husband is Hephaestus, her lover was Ares, her children Eros, Phobos, Deimos, Harmonia, Pothos , Anteros, Himeros, hermaphroditos, Rhode, Eryx, Feitho, Eunomia, the graces, Priapus and Tyche
  • Fact 1- Aphrodite was the goddess of fertility, love and beauty
  • Fact 2- Aphrodite's scared animal is the dove
  • Fact 3- there are two story's about how Aphrodite was born, she is the daughter of Zeus and Dione, she rose from the foam of the sea