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This spring we will create digital stories in your course: Green Religion!

Green Religion/Politics: Digital Storytelling Spring 2018

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Workshop Test


Green Religion/Politics

Digital Story Assignment   Spring 2018
This spring we will create digital stories in your course: Green Religion!

What is a Digital Story?

using digital media tools to create video essays
Digital storytelling at its most basic core is the practice of using computer-based tools to tell stories. There are a wealth of other terms used to describe this practice, such as digital documentaries, computer-based narratives, digital essays, electronic memoirs, interactive storytelling, etc.; but in general, they all revolve around the idea of combining the art of telling stories with a variety of multimedia, including graphics, audio, video, and Web publishing
Photo by Hal Ozart

Why Digital Storytelling?

  • a process of reflection
  • economy of writing
  • narrative structure
  • connected learning
  • build digital literacy skills
Photo by Milan Nykodym

Digital Literacy

  • tech skills that lead to the production of rich content, video, audio, animation editing & understanding computational device hardware - along with digital citizenship & copyright knowledge.
  • these are marketable skills...for your internships, applying for a job.
Photo by Mike Wilson

Creating a Digital Story

6 Important Steps

Step 1: Writing the Narrative

A digital story begins with writing. The narrative should include a central theme that follows the content learned throughout the course.
Photo by Jeff Kubina

Step 2: The Script

The script is developed after the narrative is complete. The script is a distillation of the essential details or components of the narrative story. For example, if the narrative is 3 to 4 doubled-spaced typed pages, the script resulting from the narrative should be about 1 and a half double-spaced typed pages (this is 3 minutes of recorded audio).

Step 3: The Storyboard

The storyboard allows the student to organize the flow of visuals and script. Students place their ideas for visuals inside boxes that run along the script.

Step 4: Locating Multimedia

Locating Multimedia. Multimedia including digital video, pictures, and music tracks that are originally produced by students works best in digital stories. Students can also scan pictures from personal collections. There are other sites that also provide digital images such as Google Images, Flickr, or many other sites.
Photo by Lal Beral

Photos, Video, Graphics

cite your sources, give attribution credits
Photo by Kalexanderson

Step 5: Create Your Digital Story

Digital stories can be edited on PC or Mac computers using the collaborative, web-based video editor, WeVideo (wevideo.com). The Chrome browser works best with this application.

Step 6: Share!

Each student will show their digital story during a selected date at the end of the semester. Students will share what they’ve learned throughout this course through their digital stories. The digital stories will be evaluated based on the rubrics that are available on Moodle or discussed with your professor. Students will be asked to sign a non-mandatory release form to share their digital stories for learning purposes with other classes or on our Whittier College website.
Photo by Jeff Kubina

Sonia Chaidez

Haiku Deck Pro User