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GS Final

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Photo by paul bica


Photo by Gueоrgui

A: is for acid rain
"Acid rain" is a broad term referring to a mixture of wet and dry deposition from the atmosphere containing amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids. Some is ok but a lot can hurt.

Photo by jurvetson

B: is for biodiversity
diversity among and within plant and animal species in an environment. Brazil's rain forest is where the most biodiversity is.

Photo by Santiago Ron

C: Centripetal force
It unites people in a country. The us is united as of right now.

D: is for demography
study of human populations. They mainly look at maps.

Photo by pali_nalu

E: is for economic interdependences

Photo by kevin dooley

F: is for famine
There was a famine because of a drout. Famine is going with out food for a little bit.

Photo by infomatique

G: is for gender based division based labor
For a long time there were only men working. When world war 2 came the women worked too.

H: is for Herring gull
They are like seagulls but the name is different. They are in the middle of the food chain.

Photo by Nik Cyclist

I: is for Indian Ocean
It is by Africa, Asia, and Australasia. Out of the three oceans it is the smallest.

Photo by Swami Stream

J: Japan
It is the size of Montana. It has it's own sea named after it.

K: is for Kazakhstan
Kazakhstan is in Asia. It has many other neighboring countries that are oil rich.

L: is for life expectancy
Life expectancy is hoe long you are going to live in a country on average. No country life expectancy is over 90.

M: is for micro-entrepreneur
This is a person who what's to build a business. They don't have a lot but make a lot.

N: is for nuclear radiation
Radiation that has a isotope that is unstable. This is what's release when it brakes down.

Photo by RiverRatt3

O: is for oil reserves
Oil reserves are in the ground. You need a oil rig to get the oil out.

Photo by rcbodden

P: is for population distribution
This is like rural to urban. The population is spread out.

Photo by mrlins

Q: is for Quebec City
This is a city in Canada. It was old now redone.

Photo by -AX-

R: is for relation location
Relation location is using references. For example Canada is north of the u.s.

Photo by Thomas Hawk

S: is for segregation
Segregation has gone all around. It gust ended in South Africa.

T: is for thematic maps
It shows the average temp. It shows us what to where.

Photo by SEDACMaps

U: is for urbanization
It goes after rural but before metropolitan. It is for Minnetonka.

Photo by Hoa Ying

V: is for vote
We vote for things we what because of the democracy. When there was no democracy there was no voting.

Photo by DavidGuthrie

W: is for worlds greatest producers
The u.s is a great producers. We also need a lot of producers.

X: is for xi'an
Xian is a small city in china. It's not really heard about.

Y: is for Yemen
Yemen is under Saudi Arabia. It is a oil rich country.

Z: is for zero population growth
China had a huge population growth and need to stop. They made laws to stop growing or slow down.

Photo by kevin dooley


Photo by gadl