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Published on Mar 21, 2016

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Land of the Eternal Spring By Solomon
Photo by brongaeh


  • Guatemala City
  • Largest city in the country by population and geographical area
  • Became capital in 1776 the previous capital (Antigua) was destroyed by an earthquake
  • All highways begin from the Palacio Nacional de la Cultura building found in the heart of the city
Photo by Ben Beiske


Guatemala is bordered by Mexico, Belize, Honduras,  and el salvador

Major land forms

  • Guatemala is home to dozens of active volcanoes
  • Volcano Pacaya has had some of the most devastating irruptions
  • Volcano Santa Marina is the largest active volcano
  • Volcano Fuego is famous for the large amounts of lava it spews
Photo by Karlbert

Natural Resources

  • Petroleum
  • Nickel
  • Rare Woods
  • Fish
  • Chicle
  • Hydro Electric Power
Photo by skoeber

Issues faced Today

  • Poverty
  • Limited education of the population
  • Most of the population live on farms and subsistence living
  • Corruption of Government
  • Limited powers of police and authority

rice, beans, eggs, tortillas, cheese, vegetables, pork, poultry

Photo by Tim Patterson

Guatemalans, especially woman are known for their intricate craft making of weaving, dolls, textiles and jewelry. These skills are passed down from generation to generation and a way to generate more income for the family.

Photo by (sean)

Tropical with 2 main seasons- rain and dry.


  • Surrounded by the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
  • Brings tourists to enjoy beaches
  • Provides opportunities to export limited goods via ocean
Photo by Avery Studio

Majority of population work in agriculture but the minority with white collar jobs work in Guatemala City

Ancient Cultures

  • Largest ruins uncovered in America
  • Has the only Mayan civilization that survived in the tropics
  • Mayans built Tikal which is largest ruins ever found and survived in the rainforest
  • Many national holidays and way of life date back to the ancient culture
Photo by over_kind_man

The End

Photo by ali eminov