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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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16 Habits of Mind
Thinking about your Thinking...

Photo by amira_a

Thinking about your thinking means reflection.

Reflection means looking back at the past. And evaluating asking yourself what did I do well and what did I not do well?
That equals change.

Photo by MSVG

Example: Getting my physical science grade up.
Describe: went to go talk to Mrs.Silovsky👉

Photo by Ennor

Thinking strategies: exploring a variety of options, asking yourself questions.
Outcome: got the grade up by getting A's on assignments and studying.

Continuous learning

Photo by Kolin Toney

Learning goal: how to draw better.
3 things to practice: 1. Draw more often. 2.Start out slow. 3. Fix it until it's right.


Photo by marcp_dmoz

Being persistent is continuing to do something even though it is difficult.

Photo by jamestraceur

Example: in 1919 Walt Disney was fired from his job. His editor said he lacked imagination and had no good ideas. And today Walt Disney has two parks named after him.


Flexible means easily changed or able to change or do different things.

Photo by nickwheeleroz


Photo by @Doug88888

There are different types of humor. Negative humor is one of them. Negative humor is humor used in a mean way like making fun of someone.

Photo by harold.lloyd

Humor can be used in different ways. It can be helpful and it can be really mean.

Photo by harold.lloyd

Example: a kid just tripped and people are laughing at him, but it's not so funny to the kid who tripped.


Photo by Sami__

Accuracy means doing something without making any mistakes.

Photo by Claudio.Ar

My moment of inaccuracy was when I was in math and I calculated something wrong in the problem and it made the the whole thing wrong.

Photo by Rantes

My moment of accuracy was in science class when I calculated my GUESS problem right.

Photo by JD Hancock


Photo by Captain Chaos

Empathy is the ability to share someone else's feelings.

Photo by Mukumbura

Ex: I have used empathy in my life when my best friends grandma died. I went to her grandmas funeral and sat with her until it was over.